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Publications de Christian Messier

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  1. Puetman, K., Coates, K.D., Messier, C. (2009) A critique of sylviculture: managing for complexity. Island Press, Washington

Chapitres de livre

  1. Grosbois, G., Lau, D.C.P., Berggren, M., Montoro Girona, M., Goedkoop, W., Messier, C., Hjalten, J., del Giorgio, P. (2023) Land and Freshwater Complex Interactions in Boreal Forests: A Neglected Topic in Forest Management. In Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change: Sustainable Management. (Montoro Girona, M., Morin, H., Gauthier, S. and Bergeron, Y., Eds.) Cham, Springer International Publishing, pages 719-745
  2. Filotas, E., Witte, I., Aquilue, N., Brimacombe, C., Drapeau, P., Keeton, W.S., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C., Fortin, M.-J. (2023) Network Framework for Forest Ecology and Management. In Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change: Sustainable Management. (Montoro Girona, M., Morin, H., Gauthier, S. and Bergeron, Y., Eds.) Cham, Springer International Publishing, pages 685-717
  3. Pappas, C., Belanger, N., Bergeron, Y., Blarquez, O., Chen, H.Y.H., Comeau, P.G., De Grandpre, L., Delagrange, S., DesRochers, A., Diochon, A. et al. (2022) Smartforests Canada: A Network of Monitoring Plots for Forest Management Under Environmental Change. In Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions. (Tognetti, Roberto, Smith, Melanie and Panzacchi, Pietro, Eds.) Cham, Springer International Publishing, pages 521-543
  4. Messier, C., Betts, M., Tittler, R., Paquette, A. (2020) A novel TRIAD approach to increase resilience of the forest landscape to global change: or how to make a better omelette without cracking too many eggs. In How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation. A view across Europe. (Krumm, F., A. Schuck and Rigling, A., Eds.) European Forest Institute (EFI); Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) Pages 398-401
  5. Tittler, R., Messier, C., Goodman, R.C. (2016) Triad Forest Management: Local Fix or Global Solution. In Ecological Forest Management Handbook. (Larocque, G.R., Eds.) CRC Press
  6. Messier, C., Carpentier, S, Angers, V.-A., Tittler, R., St-Denis, A., Handa, I.T., Filotas, E., Paquette, A. (2015) La véritable valeur des arbres et bois urbains et péri-urbains. In L’économie de la biodiversité et des services produits par les écosystèmes: Un regard sur les concepts, outils et sur l’état de l’avancement de la recherche au Québec. (Revéret J-P and Dupras J, Eds.) Presses de l’Université du Québec
  7. Messier, C., Puettmann, K.J., Coates, D.K. (2013) A New Integrative Framework for Understanding and Managing the World Forest: The Complex Adaptive System. (Chap. 14) In Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems - Building Resilience to the Challenge of Global Change. (Messier, C., Puettmann, K.J. and Coates, D.K., Eds.) Routledge
  8. Paquette, A., Messier, C. (2013) Managing Tree Plantations as Complex Adaptive Systems. (Chap. 13) In Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems - Building Resilience to the Challenge of Global Change. (Messier, C., Puettmann, K.J. and Coates, D.K., Eds.) Routledge
  9. Messier, C., Puettmann, K.J., Coates, D.K. (2013) Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems: Introductory Concepts and Applications. (Chap. 1) In Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems - Building Resilience to the Challenge of Global Change. (Messier, C., Puettmann, K.J. and Coates, D.K., Eds.) Routledge
  10. Doyon, F., Sturtevant, B.R., Papaik, M., Fall, A., Miranda, B., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C., Fortin, M.-J., James, P.M.A. (2012) Assessing knowledge ambiguity in the creation of a model based on expert knowledge and comparison with the results of a landscape succession model in central Labrador. (Chap. 10) In Expert Knowledge and its Application in Landscape Ecology. (Perera, A.H., Drew, C.A. and Johnson, C.J., Eds.) Springer, pages 189-210
  11. Burton, P.J., Eddy, B., Fahser, L., Messier, C., Reed, M.G., Spies, T., Vides, R. (2010) Managing Forested Landscapes for Socio-Ecological Resilience. (Chap. 22) In Forests and Society – Responding to Global Drivers of Change. (Mery, G., Katila, P., Galloway, G., Alfaro, R.I., Kanninen, M., Lobovikov, M. and Varjo, J., Eds.) International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Pages 401-440
  12. Wirth, C., Messier, C., Bergeron, Y., Frank, D., Fankhänel, A. (2009) Old-Growth Forest Definitions: a Pragmatic View. (Chap. 2) In Old-Growth Forest: Function, Fate and Value. (Wirth, C., Gleixner, G. and Heimann, M., Eds.) Berlin, Allemagne, Springer, pages 11-34
  13. Messier, C., Posada, J., Aubin, I., Beaudet, M. (2009) Functional Relationships Between Old-Growth Forest Canopies, Understorey Light and Vegetation Dynamics. (Chap. 6) In Old-Growth Forest: Function, Fate and Value. (Wirth, C. and Gleixner, G .and Heimann, M., Eds.) Berlin, Allemagne, Springer, pages 115-140
  14. MacLean, D.A., Seymour, R.S., Montigny, M.K., Messier, C. (2009) Allocation of conservation efforts over the landscape: the TRIAD approach. (Chap. 14) In Setting conservation targets for managed forest landscapes. (Villard, M.-A. and Jonsson, B.G., Eds.) New-York, USA, Cambridge University Press, pages 283-303
  15. Claveau, Y, Messier, C. (2008) Forests and Forestry in the Americas: An Encyclopedia.. (Chap. Québec-Canada.)
  16. Gravel, D., Messier, C. (2006) Une petite bière avec Darwin: Les théories de la biodiversité. In L'écologie en ville : 25 leçons d'écologie de terrain. (Messier, C., Giraldeau, L.-A. and Beisner, B., Eds.) Montréal, QC, Canada, Fides
  17. Paquette, A., Menard, A., Messier, C., Cogliastro, A. (2006) Optimisation des densités de plantation en double rotation : Modélisation des conditions lumineuses en fonction des cultivars, des espacements et du temps. In Écologie comparée et bilan nutritif de peupliers hybrides en double rotation avec des feuillus nobles. Rapport final préparé pour le réseau Ligniculture Québec. (d’Orangeville, L., Bouchard, A., Daigle, S. and Cogliastro, A., Eds.) Montréal, Institut de recherche en biologie végétale, pages 63-71
  18. Messier, C., Poulin, J. (2006) Spécimens rares: Les plantes que nous mangeons. In L'écologie en ville : 25 leçons d'écologie de terrain. (Messier, C., Giraldeau, L.-A. and Beisner, B., Eds.) Montréal, QC, Canada, Fides
  19. Messier, C., Delagrange, S., Berninger, F. (2006) L'arbre comme un aqueduc: La gestion de l'eau, des racines aux feuilles. In L'écologie en ville : 25 leçons d'écologie de terrain. (Messier, C., Giraldeau, L.-A. and Beisner, B., Eds.) Montréal, QC, Canada, Fides
  20. Burton, P.J., Messier, C., Weetman, G.F., Prepas, E.E., Adamowicz, W.L., Tittler, R. (2003) The current state of boreal forestry and the drive for change. (Chap. 1) In Towards Sustainable Management of the Boreal Forest. (Burton, P.J., Messier, C., Smith, D.W. and Adamowicz, W.L., Eds.) NRC Research Press, pages 1-40
  21. Lieffers, V.J., Messier, C., Burton, P.J., Ruel, J.-C., Grover, B.E. (2003) Nature-based silviculture for sustaining a variety of boreal forest values. (Chap. 13) In Towards Sustainable Management of the Boreal Forest. (Burton, P.J., Messier, C., Smith, D.W. and Adamowicz, W.L., Eds.) NRC Research Press, pages 481-530
  22. Messier, C., Fortin, M.-J., Schmiegelow, F., Doyon, F., Cumming, S.G., Kimmins, J.P., Seely, B., Welham, C., Nelson, J. (2003) Modelling tools to assess the sustainability of forest management scenarios. (Chap. 14) In Towards Sustainable Management of the Boreal Forest. (Burton, P.J., Messier, C., Smith, D.W. and Adamowicz, W.L., Eds.) NRC Research Press, pages 531-580
  23. Messier, C. (1996) Nouvelles approches pour l’exploitation et la conservation de l’intégrité écologique de la forêt boréale. In La conservation des forêts québécoises: un défi pour l’an 2000. (Cantin, D. and Potvin, C., Eds.) Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval

Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur

  1. Messier, C., Puettmann, K.J., Coates, D.K. (2013) Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems - Building Resilience to the Challenge of Global Change. (Messier, C., Puettmann, K.J. and Coates, D.K., Eds.) Routledge. 368 p
  2. Beisner, B., Messier, C., Giraldeau, L.-A. (2012) Nature All Around Us: A Guide to Urban Ecology. (Beisner, B., Messier, C. and Giraldeau, L.-A., Eds.) University of Chicago Press
  3. Messier, C., Giraldeau, L.-A., Beisner, B. (2006) L'écologie en ville : 25 leçons d'écologie de terrain. (Messier, C., Giraldeau, L.-A. and Beisner, B., Eds.) Fides, Montréal, QC, Canada
  4. Burton, P.J., Messier, C., Smith, D.W., Adamowicz, W.L. (2003) Towards Sustainable Management of the Boreal Forest. (Burton, P.J., Messier, C., Smith, D.W. and Adamowicz, W.L., Eds.) NRC Research Press, Ottawa

Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Blondeel, H., Guillemot, J., Martin-StPaul, N., Druel, A., Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Bauhus, J., Grossiord, C., Hector, A., Jactel, H., Jensen, J. et al. (2024) Tree diversity reduces variability in sapling survival under drought. Journal of Ecology, 112(5):1164-1180
  2. St-Denis, A., Maure, F., Belbahar, R., Delagrange, S., Handa, I.T., Kneeshaw, D.D., Paquette, A., Nicol, M., Meurs, M.-J., Messier, C. (2024) An Urban Forest Diversification Software to Improve Resilience to Global Change. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry, 50(1):76 – 91
  3. Luo, S., Schmid, B., Hector, A., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Verheyen, K., Barsoum, N., Bauhus, J., Beyer, F., Bruelheide, H., Ferlian, O. et al. (2024) Mycorrhizal associations modify tree diversity−productivity relationships across experimental tree plantations. New Phytologist, 243(3):1205 – 1219
  4. Ramirez, J.A., Craven, D., Herrera, D., Posada, J.M., Reu, B., Sierra, C.A., Hoch,, Handa, I.T., Messier, C. (2024) Non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in tree organs vary across biomes and leaf habits, but are independent of the fast-slow plant economic spectrum. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15
  5. Depauw, L., De Lombaerde, E., Dhiedt, E., Blondeel, H., Abdala-Roberts, L., Auge, H., Barsoum, N., Bauhus, J., Chu, C., Damtew, A. et al. (2024) Enhancing Tree Performance Through Species Mixing: Review of a Quarter-Century of TreeDivNet Experiments Reveals Research Gaps and Practical Insights. Current Forestry Reports
  6. Damtew, A., Birhane, E., Messier, C., Paquette, A., Muys, B. (2024) Shading and species diversity act as safety nets for seedling survival and vitality of native trees in dryland forests: Implications for restoration. Forest Ecology and Management, 552
  7. Jaeger, F.C., Handa, I.T., Paquette, A., Parker, W.C., Messier, C. (2024) Young temperate tree species show different fine root acclimation capacity to growing season water availability. Plant and Soil, 496(1-2):485 – 504
  8. Carol-Aristizabal, M., Dupras, J., Messier, C., Sousa-Silva, R. (2024) Which Tree Species Best Withstand Urban Stressors? Ask the Experts. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry, 50(1):57 – 75
  9. Guignabert, A., Jonard, M., Messier, C., Andre, F., de Coligny, F., Doyon, F., Ponette, Q. (2024) Adaptive forest management improves stand-level resilience of temperate forests under multiple stressors. Science of the Total Environment, 948
  10. Zheng, L., Barry, K.E., Guerrero-Ramirez, N.R., Craven, D., Reich, P.B., Verheyen, K., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Eisenhauer, N., Barsoum, N., Bauhus, J. et al. (2024) Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding. Nature Communications, 15(1)
  11. Robinson, D.G., Ammer, C., Polle, A., Bauhus, J., Aloni, R., Annighofer, P., Baskin, T.I., Blatt, M.R., Bolte, A., Bugmann, H. et al. (2024) Mother trees, altruistic fungi, and the perils of plant personification. Trends in Plant Science, 29(1):20 – 31
  12. Martinez-Villa, J.A., Duran, S.M., Enquist, B.J., Duque, A., Messier, C., Paquette, A. (2024) Temporal shifts in the functional composition of Andean forests at different elevations are driven by climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33(1):85 – 99
  13. Schuster, M.J., Williams, L.J., Stefanski, A., Bermudez, R., Belluau, M., Messier, C., Paquette, A., Gravel, D., Reich, P.B. (2023) Patterns of belowground overyielding and fine-root biomass in native and exotic angiosperms and gymnosperms. Oikos, 2023:e08877
  14. Desie, E., Zuo, J., Verheyen, K., Djukic, I., Van Meerbeek, K., Auge, H., Barsoum, N., Baum, C., Bruelheide, H., Eisenhauer, N. et al. (2023) Disentangling drivers of litter decomposition in a multi-continent network of tree diversity experiments. Science of the Total Environment, 857
  15. Berthelot, S., Bauhus, J., Dormann, C.F., Gravel, D., Messier, C., Nock, C.A., Paquette, A., Reich, P.B., Frund, J. (2023) Exotic tree species have consistently lower herbivore load in a cross-Atlantic tree biodiversity experiment. Ecology, 104(7):e4070
  16. Osborne, P., Aquilue, N., Mina, M., Moe, K., Jemtrud, M., Messier, C. (2023) A trait-based approach to both forestry and timber building can synchronize forest harvest and resilience. PNAS Nexus, 2(8):pgad254
  17. Hardy, C., Messier, C., Valeria, O., Filotas, E. (2023) A LANDIS-II extension for simulating forest road networks. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53(7):503 – 518
  18. Cordero Montoya, R., D'Amato, A.W., Messier, C., Nolet, P. (2023) Mapping temperate forest stands using mobile terrestrial LiDAR shows the influence of forest management regimes on tree mortality. Forest Ecology and Management, 544
  19. Urgoiti, J., Messier, C., Keeton, W.S., Belluau, M., Paquette, A. (2023) Functional diversity and identity influence the self-thinning process in young forest communities. Journal of Ecology, 111(9):2010 – 2022
  20. Dendoncker, M., Taugourdeau, S., Messier, C., Vincke, C. (2023) A Functional Trait-Based Approach to Evaluate the Resilience of Key Ecosystem Functions of Tropical Savannas. Forests, 14(2)
  21. Hardy, C., Messier, C., Boulanger, Y., Cyr, D., Filotas, E. (2023) Land sparing and sharing patterns in forestry: exploring even-aged and uneven-aged management at the landscape scale. Landscape Ecology, 38(11):2815 – 2838
  22. Maebe, L., Dufrene, M., Claessens, H., Marechal, K., Ligot, G., Messier, C. (2023) The Navigate framework: How the ecosystem services and resilience concepts can help us navigate in the current crises. Ecosystem Services, 64
  23. Muys, B., Messier, C. (2023) Climate-smart forest management caught between a rock and a hard place. Annals of Forest Science, 80(1)
  24. Urgoiti, J., Messier, C., Keeton, W.S., Paquette, A. (2023) Tree community overyielding during early stand development is explained by asymmetric species-specific responses to diversity. Functional Ecology, 37(10):2621 – 2633
  25. Himes, A., Bauhus, J., Adhikari, S., Barik, S.K., Brown, H., Brunner, A., Burton, P.J., Coll, L., D’Amato, A.W., Diaci, J. et al. (2023) Forestry in the Face of Global Change: Results of a Global Survey of Professionals. Current Forestry Reports, 9(6):473 – 489
  26. Guignabert, A., Ponette, Q., Andre, F., Messier, C., Nolet, P., Jonard, M. (2023) Validation of a new spatially explicit process-based model (HETEROFOR) to simulate structurally and compositionally complex forest stands in eastern North America. Geoscientific Model Development, 16(6):1661 – 1682
  27. Warner, E., Cook-Patton, S.C., Lewis, O.T., Brown, N., Koricheva, J., Eisenhauer, N., Ferlian, O., Gravel, D., Hall, J.S., Jactel, H. et al. (2023) Young mixed planted forests store more carbon than monocultures—a meta-analysis. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6
  28. Rademacher, T., Cliche, M., Bouchard, E., Kurokawa, S.Y.S., Rapp, J., Deslauriers, A., Messier, C., Rossi, S., Dupras, J., Filotas, E. et al. (2023) TAMM review: On the importance of tap and tree characteristics in maple sugaring. Forest Ecology and Management, 535:120896
  29. Fahey, C., Parker, W., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Antunes, P. (2023) Soil fungal communities contribute to the positive diversity–productivity relationship of tree communities under contrasting water availability. Journal of Ecology, 111(9):2023 – 2037
  30. Cardou, F., Munson, A.D., Boisvert-Marsh, L., Anand, M., Arsenault, A., Bell, F.W., Bergeron, Y., Boulangeat, I., Delagrange, S., Fenton, N.J. et al. (2022) Above- and belowground drivers of intraspecific trait variability across subcontinental gradients for five ubiquitous forest plants in North America. Journal of Ecology, 110(7):1590-1605
  31. Ribeyre, Z., Messier, C., Nolet, P. (2022) No stress memory pattern was detected in sugar maple and white spruce seedlings subjected to experimental droughts. Ecosphere, 13(12)
  32. Lecigne, B., Delagrange, S., Lauri, P.-É., Messier, C. (2022) Trimming influences tree light interception and space exploration: contrasted responses of two cultivars of Fraxinus pennsylvanica at various scales of their architecture. Trees - Structure and Function, 36(3):1067 – 1083
  33. Messier, C., Bauhus, J., Sousa-Silva, R., Auge, H., Baeten, L., Barsoum, N., Bruelheide, H., Caldwell, B., Cavender-Bares, J., Dhiedt, E. et al. (2022) For the sake of resilience and multifunctionality, let's diversify planted forests! Conservation Letters, 15(1):e12829
  34. Himes, A., Betts, M., Messier, C., Seymour, R. (2022) Perspectives: Thirty years of triad forestry, a critical clarification of theory and recommendations for implementation and testing. Forest Ecology and Management, 510
  35. Helbach, J., Frey, J., Messier, C., Morsdorf, M., Scherer-Lorenzen, M. (2022) Light heterogeneity affects understory plant species richness in temperate forests supporting the heterogeneity–diversity hypothesis. Ecology and Evolution, 12(2)
  36. Mina, M., Messier, C., Duveneck, M.J., Fortin, M.-J., Aquilué, N. (2022) Managing for the unexpected: Building resilient forest landscapes to cope with global change. Global Change Biology, 28(14):4323 – 4341
  37. Esperon-Rodriguez, M., Ordoñez, C., van Doorn, N.S., Hirons, A., Messier, C. (2022) Using climate analogues and vulnerability metrics to inform urban tree species selection in a changing climate: The case for Canadian cities. Landscape and Urban Planning, 228
  38. Hajek, P., Link, R.M., Nock, C.A., Bauhus, J., Gebauer, T., Gessler, A., Kovach, K., Messier, C., Paquette, A., Saurer, M. et al. (2022) Mutually inclusive mechanisms of drought-induced tree mortality. Global Change Biology, 28(10):3365 – 3378
  39. Cesarz, S., Craven, D., Auge, H., Bruelheide, H., Castagneyrol, B., Gutknecht, J., Hector, A., Jactel, H., Koricheva, J., Messier, C. et al. (2022) Tree diversity effects on soil microbial biomass and respiration are context dependent across forest diversity experiments. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(5):872 – 885
  40. Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Gessner, M.O., Beisner, B.E., Messier, C., Paquette, A., Petermann, J.S., Soininen, J., Nock, C.A. (2022) Pathways for cross-boundary effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 37(5):454 – 467
  41. Urgoiti, J., Messier, C., Keeton, W.S., Reich, P.B., Gravel, D., Paquette, A. (2022) No complementarity no gain—Net diversity effects on tree productivity occur once complementarity emerges during early stand development. Ecology Letters, 25(4):851 – 862
  42. Messier, C., Potvin, C., Muys, B., Brancalion, P., Chazdon, R., Seidl, R., Bauhus, J. (2022) Warning: Natural and Managed Forests are Losing their Capacity to Mitigate Climate Change; [Avertissement: Les forêts naturelles et aménagées sont en train de perdre leur capacité d’atténuation des changements climatiques]. Forestry Chronicle, 98(1):2 – 8
  43. Waring, B.G., Smith, K.R., Belluau, M., Khlifa, R., Messier, C., Munson, A.D., Paquette, A. (2022) Soil carbon pools are affected by species identity and productivity in a tree common garden experiment. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5
  44. Belluau, M., Vitali, V., Parker, W.C., Paquette, A., Messier, C. (2021) Overyielding in young tree communities does not support the stress-gradient hypothesis and is favoured by functional diversity and higher water availability. Journal of Ecology, 109(4):1790-1803
  45. Francoeur, X.W., Dagenais, D., Paquette, A., Dupras, J., Messier, C. (2021) Complexifying the urban lawn improves heat mitigation and arthropod biodiversity. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 60
  46. Paquette, A., Sousa-Silva, R., Maure, F., Cameron, E., Belluau, M., Messier, C. (2021) Praise for diversity: A functional approach to reduce risks in urban forests. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 62:127157
  47. St-Jean, É., Meunier, S., Nolet, P., Messier, C., Achim, A. (2021) Increased levels of harvest may favour sugar maple regeneration over American beech in northern hardwoods. Forest Ecology and Management, 499
  48. Mina, M., Messier, C., Duveneck, M., Fortin, M.-J., Aquilué, N. (2021) Network analysis can guide resilience-based management in forest landscapes under global change. Ecological Applications, 31(1):e2221
  49. Williams, L.J., Cavender-Bares, J., Townsend, P.A., Couture, J.J., Wang, Z., Stefanski, A., Messier, C., Reich, P.B. (2021) Remote spectral detection of biodiversity effects on forest biomass. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5(1):46-54
  50. Betts, M.G., Phalan, B.T., Wolf, C., Baker, S.C., Messier, C., Puettmann, K.J., Green, R., Harris, S.H., Edwards, D.P., Lindenmayer, D.B. et al. (2021) Producing wood at least cost to biodiversity: integrating Triad and sharing–sparing approaches to inform forest landscape management. Biological Reviews, 96(4):1301-1317
  51. Williams, L.J., Butler, E.E., Cavender-Bares, J., Stefanski, A., Rice, K.E., Messier, C., Paquette, A., Reich, P.B. (2021) Enhanced light interception and light use efficiency explain overyielding in young tree communities. Ecology Letters, 24(5):996-1006
  52. Aquilué, N., Messier, C., Martins, K.T., Dumais-Lalonde, V., Mina, M. (2021) A simple-to-use management approach to boost adaptive capacity of forests to global uncertainty. Forest Ecology and Management, 481:118692
  53. Perrette, G., Delagrange, S., Ramirez, J.A., Messier, C. (2021) Optimizing reduction pruning under electrical lines: The influence of tree vitality before pruning on traumatic responses. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 63
  54. Belluau, M., Paquette, A., Gravel, D., Reich, P.B., Stefanski, A., Messier, C. (2021) Exotics are more complementary over time in tree biodiversity–ecosystem functioning experiments. Functional Ecology, 35(11):2550-2561
  55. Laigle, I., Moretti, M., Rousseau, L., Gravel, D., Venier, L., Handa, I.T., Messier, C., Morris, D., Hazlett, P., Fleming, R. et al. (2021) Direct and Indirect Effects of Forest Anthropogenic Disturbance on Above and Below Ground Communities and Litter Decomposition. Ecosystems, 24(7):1716-1737
  56. Ramirez, J.A., Vitali, V., Martínez-Vilalta, J., Handa, I.T., Messier, C. (2021) Reserve Accumulation Is Prioritized Over Growth Following Single or Combined Injuries in Three Common North American Urban Tree Species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12
  57. Solarik, K.A., Cazelles, K., Messier, C., Bergeron, Y., Gravel, D. (2020) Priority effects will impede range shifts of temperate tree species into the boreal forest. Journal of Ecology, 108(3):1155-1173
  58. Espelta, J.M., Cruz-Alonso, V., Alfaro-Sánchez, R., Hampe, A., Messier, C., Pino, J. (2020) Functional diversity enhances tree growth and reduces herbivory damage in secondary broadleaf forests, but does not influence resilience to drought. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(12):2362-2372
  59. Hao, M., Messier, C., Geng, Y., Zhang, C., Zhao, X., von Gadow, K. (2020) Functional traits influence biomass and productivity through multiple mechanisms in a temperate secondary forest. European Journal of Forest Research, 139(6):959-968
  60. Landry, F., Dupras, J., Messier, C. (2020) Convergence of urban forest and socio-economic indicators of resilience: A study of environmental inequality in four major cities in eastern Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning, 202
  61. Asbeck, T., Messier, C., Bauhus, J. (2020) Retention of tree-related microhabitats is more dependent on selection of habitat trees than their spatial distribution. European Journal of Forest Research, 139(6):1015-1028
  62. Amaral, J., Ribeyre, Z., Vigneaud, J., Sow, M.D., Fichot, R., Messier, C., Pinto, G., Nolet, P., Maury, S. (2020) Advances and promises of epigenetics for forest trees. Forests, 11(9)
  63. Aquilué, N., Filotas, E., Craven, D., Fortin, M.-J., Brotons, L., Messier, C. (2020) Evaluating forest resilience to global threats using functional response traits and network properties. Ecological Applications, 30(5)
  64. Großmann, J., Pyttel, P., Bauhus, J., Lecigne, B., Messier, C. (2020) The benefits of tree wounds: Microhabitat development in urban trees as affected by intensive tree maintenance. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 55
  65. Aquilué, N., Fortin, M.-J., Messier, C., Brotons, L. (2020) The Potential of Agricultural Conversion to Shape Forest Fire Regimes in Mediterranean Landscapes. Ecosystems, 23(1):34-51
  66. Puettmann, K.J., Messier, C. (2020) Simple Guidelines to Prepare Forests for Global Change: The Dog and the Frisbee. Northwest Science, 93(3-4):209-225
  67. Perrette, G., Delagrange, S., Messier, C. (2020) Optimizing Reduction Pruning of Trees Under Electrical Lines: The Influence of Intensity and Season of Pruning on Epicormic Branch Growth and Wound Compartmentalization. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry, 6(46):432-449
  68. Martin-Guay, M.-O., Paquette, A., Reich, P.B., Messier, C. (2020) Implications of contrasted above- and below-ground biomass responses in a diversity experiment with trees. Journal of Ecology, 108(2):405-414
  69. Lecigne, B., Delagrange, S., Messier, C. (2020) Determinants of delayed traumatic tree reiteration growth: Levels of branch growth control and insights for urban tree management, modeling and future research. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 47
  70. Gustafsson, L., Bauhus, J., Asbeck, T., Augustynczik, A.L.D., Basile, M., Frey, J., Gutzat, F., Hanewinkel, M., Helbach, J., Jonker, M. et al. (2020) Retention as an integrated biodiversity conservation approach for continuous-cover forestry in Europe. Ambio, 49(1):85-97
  71. Williams, L.J., Cavender-Bares, J., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Reich, P.B. (2020) Light mediates the relationship between community diversity and trait plasticity in functionally and phylogenetically diverse tree mixtures. Journal of Ecology, 108(4):1617-1634
  72. Taugourdeau, O., Delagrange, S., Lecigne, B., Sousa-Silva, R., Messier, C. (2019) Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) shoot architecture reveals coordinated ontogenetic changes between shoot specialization and branching pattern. Trees - Structure and Function, 33(6):1615-1625
  73. Vitali, V., Ramirez, J.A., Perrette, G., Delagrange, S., Paquette, A., Messier, C. (2019) Complex Above- and Below-Ground Growth Responses of Two Urban Tree Species Following Root, Stem, and Foliage Damage—An Experimental Approach. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10
  74. Messier, C., Bauhus, J., Doyon, F., Maure, F., Sousa-Silva, R., Nolet, P., Mina, M., Aquilué, N., Fortin, M.-J., Puettmann, K. (2019) The functional complex network approach to foster forest resilience to global changes. Forest Ecosystems, 6(1)
  75. Kumordzi, B.B., Aubin, I., Cardou, F., Shipley, B., Violle, C., Johnstone, J., Anand, M., Arsenault, A., Bell, F.W., Bergeron, Y. et al. (2019) Geographic scale and disturbance influence intraspecific trait variability in leaves and roots of North American understorey plants. Functional Ecology, 33(9):1771-1784
  76. Archambault, C., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Khlifa, R., Munson, A.D., Handa, I.T. (2019) Evergreenness influences fine root growth more than tree diversity in a common garden experiment. Oecologia, 189(4):1027-1039
  77. St-Denis, A., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C. (2018) Effect of Predation, Competition, and Facilitation on Tree Survival and Growth in Abandoned Fields: Towards Precision Restoration. Forests, 9(11)
  78. Senecal, J.-F., Doyon, F., Messier, C. (2018) Management implications of varying gap detection height thresholds and other canopy dynamics processes in temperate deciduous forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 410:84-94
  79. Grossman, J.J., Vanhellemont, M., Barsoum, N., Bauhus, J., Bruelheide, H., Castagneyrol, B., Cavender-Bares, J., Eisenhauer, N., Ferlian, O., Gravel, D. et al. (2018) Synthesis and future research directions linking tree diversity to growth, survival, and damage in a global network of tree diversity experiments. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 152:68 - 89
  80. Fontana, M., Labrecque, M., Messier, C., Belanger, N. (2018) Permanent site characteristics exert a larger influence than atmospheric conditions on leaf mass, foliar nutrients and ultimately aboveground biomass productivity of Salix miyabeana ‘SX67’. Forest Ecology and Management, 427:423-433
  81. Paquette, A., Vayreda, J., Coll, L., Messier, C., Retana, J. (2018) Climate Change Could Negate Positive Tree Diversity Effects on Forest Productivity: A Study Across Five Climate Types in Spain and Canada. Ecosystems, 21(5):960-970
  82. Senecal, J.-F., Doyon, F., Messier, C. (2018) Tree death not resulting in gap creation: An investigation of canopy dynamics of northern temperate deciduous forests. Remote Sensing, 10(1)
  83. Royer-Tardif, S., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Bournival, P., Rivest, D. (2018) Fast-growing hybrids do not decrease understorey plant diversity compared to naturally regenerated forests and native plantations. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27(3):607-631
  84. Ruiz-González, C., Archambault, E., Laforest-Lapointe, I., Del Giorgio, P.A., Kembel, S.W., Messier, C., Nock, C.A., Beisner, B.E. (2018) Soils associated to different tree communities do not elicit predictable responses in lake bacterial community structure and function. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94(8)
  85. Nolet, P., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C., Beland, M. (2018) Comparing the effects of even- and uneven-aged silviculture on ecological diversity and processes: A review. Ecology and Evolution, 8(2):1217-1226
  86. Bissonnette, J.-F., Dupras, J., Messier, C., Lechowicz, M., Dagenais, D., Paquette, A., Jaeger, J.A.G., Gonzalez, A. (2018) Moving forward in implementing green infrastructures: Stakeholder perceptions of opportunities and obstacles in a major North American metropolitan area. Cities
  87. Ameztegui, A., Solarik, K.A., Parkins, J.R., Houle, D., Messier, C., Gravel, D. (2018) Perceptions of climate change across the Canadian forest sector: The key factors of institutional and geographical environment. PLOS ONE, 13(6)
  88. Senecal, J.-F., Doyon, F., Messier, C. (2018) Disentangling the causes of canopy height increase in managed and unmanaged temperate deciduous forests using multi-temporal airborne laser scanning. Remote Sensing of Environment, 217:233-243
  89. Paquette, A., Hector, A., Vanhellemont, M., Koricheva, J., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Verheyen, K., Abdala-Roberts, L., Auge, H., Barsoum, N., Bauhus, J. et al. (2018) A million and more trees for science. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(5):763-766
  90. Collin, A., Messier, C., Kembel, S.W., Belanger, N. (2018) Can sugar maple establish into the boreal forest? Insights from seedlings under various canopies in southern Quebec. Ecosphere, 9(1)
  91. Lecina-Diaz, J., Alvarez, A., Regos, A., Drapeau, P., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Retana, J. (2018) The positive carbon stocks–biodiversity relationship in forests: co-occurrence and drivers across five subclimates. Ecological Applications, 28(6):1481-1493
  92. Ramirez, J.A., Handa, I.T., Posada, J.M., Delagrange, S., Messier, C. (2018) Carbohydrate dynamics in roots, stems, and branches after maintenance pruning in two common urban tree species of North America. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 30:24-31
  93. Lecigne, B., Delagrange, S., Messier, C. (2018) Exploring trees in three dimensions: VoxR, a novel voxel-based R package dedicated to analysing the complex arrangement of tree crowns. Annals of Botany, 121(4):589-601
  94. Messier, C., Maure, F., Aquilue, N. (2018) A new approach to immunizing our forests against uncertainty (essay) [Une nouvelle approche pour immuniser nos forêts contre l’incertitude (essai)]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen, 169(4):199-202
  95. Solarik, K. A., Messier, C., Ouimet, R., Bergeron, Y., Gravel, D. (2018) Local adaptation of trees at the range margins impacts range shifts in the face of climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(12):1507-1519
  96. Lecigne, B., Delagrange, S., Messier, C. (2018) Crown reaction and acclimation to cyclical V-trimming of city trees: An analysis using terrestrial laser scanning. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 29:183-191
  97. Fontana, M., Labrecque, M., Messier, C., Courchesne, F., Belanger, N. (2017) Quantifying the effects of soil and climate on aboveground biomass production of Salix miyabeana SX67 in Quebec. New Forests, 48(6):817-835
  98. Collin, A., Messier, C., Kembel, S.W., Belanger, N. (2017) Low light availability associated with American beech is the main factor for reduced sugar maple seedling survival and growth rates in a hardwood forest of Southern Quebec. Forests, 8(11)
  99. Laforest-Lapointe, I., Messier, C., Kembel, S.W. (2017) Tree leaf bacterial community structure and diversity differ along a gradient of urban intensity. mSystems, 2(6)
  100. Thiffault, N., Paquette, A., Messier, C. (2017) Early silvicultural guidelines for intensive management of hybrid larch plantations on fertile sub-boreal sites. Silva Fennica, 51(2):article id 1716
  101. Collin, A., Messier, C., Belanger, N. (2017) Conifer Presence May Negatively Affect Sugar Maple's Ability to Migrate into the Boreal Forest Through Reduced Foliar Nutritional Status. Ecosystems, 20(4):701-716
  102. Laforest-Lapointe, I., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Kembel, S.W. (2017) Leaf bacterial diversity mediates plant diversity and ecosystem function relationships. Nature, 546(7656):145-147
  103. Khlifa, R., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Reich, P.B., Munson, A.D. (2017) Do temperate tree species diversity and identity influence soil microbial community function and composition? Ecology and Evolution, 7(19):7965-7974
  104. Potvin, C., Sharma, D., Creed, I., Aitken, S., Anctil, F., Bennett, E., Berkes, F., Bernstein, S., Bleau, N., Bourque, A. et al. (2017) Stimulating a Canadian narrative for climate. FACETS, 2(1):131-149
  105. Jewell, M.D., Shipley, B., Low-Decarie, E., Tobner, C.M., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Reich, P.B. (2017) Partitioning the effect of composition and diversity of tree communities on leaf litter decomposition and soil respiration. Oikos, 126(7):959-971
  106. St-Denis, A., Kneeshaw, D.D., Belanger, N., Simard, S., Laforest-Lapointe, I., Messier, C. (2017) Species-specific responses to forest soil inoculum in planted trees in an abandoned agricultural field. Applied Soil Ecology, 112:1-10
  107. Patry, Cy., Kneeshaw, D.D., Aubin, I., Messier, C. (2017) Intensive forestry filters understory plant traits over time and space in boreal forests. Forestry, 90(3):436-444
  108. Ameztegui, A., Paquette, A., Shipley, B., Heym, M., Messier, C., Gravel, D. (2017) Shade tolerance and the functional trait: demography relationship in temperate and boreal forests. Functional Ecology, 31(4):821-830
  109. Carpentier, S., Filotas, E., Handa, I.T., Messier, C. (2017) Trade-offs between timber production, carbon stocking and habitat quality when managing woodlots for multiple ecosystem services. Environmental Conservation, 44(1):14-23
  110. Sittaro, F., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Nock, C.A. (2017) Tree range expansion in eastern North America fails to keep pace with climate warming at northern range limits. Global Change Biology, 23(8):3292-3301
  111. Williams, L.J., Paquette, A., Cavender-Bares, J., Messier, C., Reich, P.B. (2017) Spatial complementarity in tree crowns explains overyielding in species mixtures. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1(4)
  112. Guerrero-Ramírez, N.R., Craven, D., Messier, C., Potvin, C., Turner, B.L., Handa, I.T. (2016) Root quality and decomposition environment, but not tree species richness, drive root decomposition in tropical forests. Plant and Soil, 404(1):125-139
  113. Follett, M., Nock, C.A., Buteau, C., Messier, C. (2016) Testing a new approach to quantify growth responses to pruning among three temperate tree species. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry, 42(3):133-145
  114. Muhr, J., Messier, C., Delagrange, S., Trumbore, S., Xu, X., Hartmann, H. (2016) How fresh is maple syrup? Sugar maple trees mobilize carbon stored several years previously during early springtime sap-ascent. New Phytologist, 209(4):1410-1416
  115. Tobner, C.M., Paquette, A., Gravel, D., Reich, P.B., Williams, L.J., Messier, C. (2016) Functional identity is the main driver of diversity effects in young tree communities. Ecology Letters, 19(6):638-647
  116. Nguyen, N.H., Williams, L.J., Vincent, J.B., Stefanski, A., Cavender-Bares, J., Messier, C., Paquette, A., Gravel, D., Reich, P.B., Kennedy, P.G. (2016) Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity and saprotrophic fungal diversity are linked to different tree community attributes in a field-based tree experiment. Molecular Ecology, 25(16):4032-4046
  117. Peck, V., Quiza, L., Buffet, J.-P., Khdhiri, M., Durand, A.-A., Paquette, A., Thiffault, N., Messier, C., Beaulieu, N., Guertin, C. et al. (2016) Towards the development of multifunctional molecular indicators combining soil biogeochemical and microbiological variables to predict the ecological integrity of silvicultural practices. Microbial Biotechnology, 9(3):316-329
  118. Dupras, J., Patry, C., Tittler, R., Gonzalez, A., Alam, M., Messier, C. (2016) Management of vegetation under electric distribution lines will affect the supply of multiple ecosystem services. Land Use Policy, 51:66-75
  119. Alam, M., Dupras, J., Messier, C. (2016) A framework towards a composite indicator for urban ecosystem services. Ecological Indicators, 60:38-44
  120. Verheyen, K., Vanhellemont, M., Auge, H., Baeten, L., Baraloto, C., Barsoum, N., Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Bruelheide, H., Castagneyrol, B., Godbold, D. et al. (2016) Contributions of a global network of tree diversity experiments to sustainable forest plantations. Ambio, 45(1):29-41
  121. Laforest-Lapointe, I., Messier, C., Kembel, S.W. (2016) Host species identity, site and time drive temperate tree phyllosphere bacterial community structure. Microbiome, 4
  122. Laforest-Lapointe, I., Messier, C., Kembel, S.W. (2016) Tree phyllosphere bacterial communities: Exploring the magnitude of intra- and inter-individual variation among host species. PeerJ, 2016(8)
  123. Aubin, I., Munson, A.D., Cardou, F., Burton, P.J., Isabel, N., Pedlar, J.H., Paquette, A., Taylor, A.R., Delagrange, S., Kebli, H. et al. (2016) Traits to stay, traits to move: a review of functional traits to assess sensitivity and adaptive capacity of temperate and boreal trees to climate change. Environmental Reviews, 24(2):164-186
  124. Messier, C., Puettmann, K., Filotas, E., Coates, D.K. (2016) Dealing with Non-linearity and Uncertainty in Forest Management. Current Forestry Reports, 2(2):150-161
  125. Collin, A., Messier, C., Cote, B., Fontana, M., Belanger, N. (2016) Contrasting Nutritional Acclimation of Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and Red Maple (Acer rubrum L.) to Increasing Conifers and Soil Acidity as Demonstrated by Foliar Nutrient Balances. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4:85
  126. Lindenmayer, D., Messier, C., Sato, C. (2016) Avoiding ecosystem collapse in managed forest ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14(10):561-568
  127. Solarik, K.A., Gravel, D., Ameztegui, A., Bergeron, Y., Messier, C. (2016) Assessing tree germination resilience to global warming: a manipulative experiment using sugar maple (Acer saccharum). Seed Science Research, 26:153-164
  128. Puettmann, K.J., Parrott, L., Messier, C. (2016) Teaching Complex Adaptive Systems Science in Natural Resource Management: Examples from Forestry. Natural Sciences Education, 45(1)
  129. Craven, D., Filotas, E., Angers, V.-A., Messier, C. (2016) Evaluating resilience of tree communities in fragmented landscapes: linking functional response diversity with landscape connectivity. Diversity and Distributions, 22(5):505-518
  130. Nock, C.A., Lecigne, B., Taugourdeau, O., Greene, D.F., Dauzat, J., Delagrange, S., Messier, C. (2016) Linking ice accretion and crown structure: towards a model of the effect of freezing rain on tree canopies. Annals of Botany, 117(7):1163-1173
  131. Lambert, J.-B., Ameztegui, A., Delagrange, S., Messier, C. (2016) Birch and conifer deadwood favour early establishment and shade tolerance in yellow birch juveniles growing in sugar maple dominated stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46(1):114-121
  132. Trottier-Picard, A., Thiffault, E., Thiffault, N., DesRochers, A., Pare, D., Messier, C. (2016) Complex impacts of logging residues on planted hybrid poplar seedlings in boreal ecosystems. New Forests, 47:877–895
  133. Ramirez, J.A., Posada, J.M., Handa, I.T., Hoch, G., Vohland, M., Messier, C., Reu, B. (2015) Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) predicts non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in different tissue types of a broad range of tree species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(9):1018-1025
  134. Jewell, M.D., Shipley, B., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Reich, P.B. (2015) A traits-based test of the home-field advantage in mixed-species tree litter decomposition. Annals of Botany, 116(5):781-788
  135. Lindenmayer, D., Messier, C., Paquette, A., Hobbs, R.J. (2015) Managing tree plantations as novel socioecological systems: Australian and North American perspectives. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(10):1427-1433
  136. Wallace, J., Aquilue, N., Archambault, C., Carpentier, S., Francoeur, X., Greffard, M.-H., Laforest-Lapointe, I., Galicia, L., Messier, C. (2015) Present forest management structures and policies in temperate forests of Mexico: Challenges and prospects for unique tree species assemblages. Forestry Chronicle, 91(3):306-317
  137. Messier, C., Puettmann, K., Chazdon, R., Andersson, K.P., Angers, V.-A., Brotons, L., Filotas, E., Tittler, R., Parrott, L., Levin, S.A. (2015) From Management to Stewardship: Viewing Forests As Complex Adaptive Systems in an Uncertain World. Conservation Letters, 8(5):368-377
  138. Galicia, L., Potvin, C., Messier, C. (2015) Maintaining the high diversity of pine and oak species in Mexican temperate forests: a new management approach combining functional zoning and ecosystem adaptability. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(10):1358-1368
  139. Paine, C.E.T., Amissah, L., Auge, H., Baraloto, C., Baruffol, M., Bourland, N., Bruelheide, H., Dainou, K., de Gouvenain, R.C., Doucet, J.-L. et al. (2015) Globally, functional traits are weak predictors of juvenile tree growth, and we do not know why. Journal of Ecology, 103(4):978-989
  140. Ameztegui, A., Coll, L., Messier, C. (2015) Modelling the effect of climate-induced changes in recruitment and juvenile growth on mixed-forest dynamics: The case of montane-subalpine Pyrenean ecotones. Ecological Modelling, 313:84-93
  141. Paquette, A., Joly, S., Messier, C. (2015) Explaining forest productivity using tree functional traits and phylogenetic information: Two sides of the same coin over evolutionary scale? Ecology and Evolution, 5(9):1774-1783
  142. Buitrago, M., Paquette, A., Thiffault, N., Belanger, N., Messier, C. (2015) Early performance of planted hybrid larch: effects of mechanical site preparation and planting depth. New Forests, 46(3):319-337
  143. Dutilleul, P., Han, L., Valladares, F., Messier, C. (2015) Crown traits of coniferous trees and their relation to shade tolerance can differ with leaf type: A biophysical demonstration using computed tomography scanning data. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6(MAR):1-13
  144. Tittler, R., Filotas, E., Kroese, J., Messier, C. (2015) Maximizing Conservation and Production with Intensive Forest Management: It's All About Location. Environmental Management, 56(5):1104-1117
  145. Nolet, P., Delagrange, S., Bannon, K., Messier, C., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2015) Liming has a limited effect on sugar maple - American beech dynamics compared with beech sapling elimination and canopy opening. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(10):1376-1386
  146. Rivest, D., Paquette, A., Shipley, B., Reich. P., Messier, C. (2015) Tree communities rapidly alter soil microbial resistance and resilience to drought. Functional Ecology, 29:570-578
  147. Bannon, K., Delagrange, S., Belanger, N., Messier, C. (2015) American beech and sugar maple sapling relative abundance and growth are not modified by light availability following partial and total canopy disturbances. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(6):632-638
  148. Beaudet, M., Angers, V.-A., Messier, C. (2014) Seedbed proportions in and outside skid trails: Temporal variation following selection cutting in northern hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 318:151 - 157
  149. Nock, C.A., Taugourdeau, O., Work, T.T., Messier, C., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2014) Urban forests on the front line. Science, 343(6168):249
  150. Fedrowitz, K., Koricheva, J., Baker, S.C., Lindenmayer, D.B., Palik, B., Rosenvald, R., Beese, W., Franklin, J.F., Kouki, J., Macdonald, E. et al. (2014) Can retention forestry help conserve biodiversity? A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51(6):1669-1679
  151. Filotas, E., Parrott, L., Burton, P.J., Chazdon, R.L., Coates, D.K., Coll, L., Haeussler, S., Martin, K., Nocentini, S., Puettmann, K.J. et al. (2014) Viewing forests through the lens of complex systems science. Ecosphere, 5(1):art1-
  152. Tobner, C.M., Paquette, A., Reich, P.B., Gravel, D., Messier, C. (2014) Advancing biodiversity-ecosystem functioning science using high-density tree-based experiments over functional diversity gradients. Oecologia, 174(3):609-621
  153. Bouttier, L., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Rivest, D., Olivier, A., Cogliastro, A. (2014) Vertical root separation and light interception in a temperate tree-based intercropping system of Eastern Canada. Agroforestry Systems, 88(4):693-706
  154. Girard, F., Beaudet, M., Mailly, D., Messier, C. (2014) Integrating climatic response in competition dependent tree-level growth models for northern hardwoods. Forest Ecology and Management, 323:138-147
  155. Nolet, P., Doyon, F., Messier, C. (2014) A new silvicultural approach to the management of uneven-aged Northern hardwoods: Frequent low-intensity harvesting. Forestry, 87(1):39-48
  156. Alam, M., Olivier, Al., Paquette, A., Dupras, J., Reveret, J.-P., Messier, C. (2014) A general framework for the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services of tree-based intercropping systems. Agroforestry Systems, 88(4):679-691
  157. Trottier-Picard, A., Thiffault, E., DesRochers, A., Pare, D., Thiffault, N., Messier, C. (2014) Amounts of logging residues affect planting microsites: A manipulative study across northern forest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management, 312:203-215
  158. Park, A., Puettmann, K., Wilson, E., Messier, C., Kames, S., Dhar, A. (2014) Can Boreal and Temperate Forest Management be Adapted to the Uncertainties of 21st Century Climate Change? Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 33(4):251-285
  159. Ruiz-Benito, P., Gomez-Aparicio, L., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Kattge, J., Zavala, M.A. (2014) Diversity increases carbon storage and tree productivity in Spanish forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23(3):311-322
  160. McCavour, M., Pare, D., Messier, C., Thiffault, N., Thiffault, E. (2014) The role of aggregated forest harvest residue in soil fertility, plant growth and pollination services. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78:S196-S207
  161. Nock, C.A., Paquette, A., Follett, M., Nowak, D.J., Messier, C. (2013) Effects of Urbanization on Tree Species Functional Diversity in Eastern North America. Ecosystems, 16:1487-1497
  162. St-Denis, A., Messier, C., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2013) Seed size, the only factor positively affecting direct seeding success in an abandoned field in Quebec, Canada. Forests, 4(2):500-516
  163. Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Pare, D., Messier, C., Belanger, N. (2013) Root production of hybrid poplars and nitrogen mineralization improve following mounding of boreal Podzols. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 43(12):1092-1103
  164. Tobner, C.M., Paquette, A., Messier, C. (2013) Interspecific coordination and intraspecific plasticity of fine root traits in North American temperate tree species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4(JUL)
  165. Nock, C.A., Taugourdeau, O., Delagrange, S., Messier, C. (2013) Assessing the Potential of Low-Cost 3D Cameras for the Rapid Measurement of Plant Woody Structure. Sensors, 13(12):16216-16233
  166. Witte, I., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C. (2013) Do partial cuts create forest complexity? A new approach to measuring the complexity of forest patterns using photographs and the mean information gain. Forestry Chronicle, 89(03):340-349
  167. Patry, Cy., Kneeshaw, D.D., Wyatt, S., Grenon, F., Messier, C. (2013) Forest ecosystem management in North America: From theory to practice. Forestry Chronicle, 89(04):525-537
  168. Rivest, D., Paquette, A., Moreno, G., Messier, C. (2013) A meta-analysis reveals mostly neutral influence of scattered trees on pasture yield along with some contrasted effects depending on functional groups and rainfall conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 165:74-79
  169. Nock, C.A., Greene, D.F., Delagrange, S., Follett, M., Fournier, R.A., Messier, C. (2013) In Situ Quantification of Experimental Ice Accretion on Tree Crowns Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning. PLOS ONE, 8(5):e64865
  170. Rivest, D., Lorente, M., Olivier, A., Messier, C. (2013) Soil biochemical properties and microbial resilience in agroforestry systems: Effects on wheat growth under controlled drought and flooding conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 463-464:51-60
  171. Graham-Sauve, L., Work, T.T., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C. (2013) Shelterwood and multicohort management have similar initial effects on ground beetle assemblages in boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 306:266-274
  172. Paquette, A., Fontaine, B., Berninger, F., Dubois, K., Lechowicz, M.J., Messier, C., Posada, J., Valladares, F., Brisson, J. (2012) Norway maple displays greater seasonal growth and phenotypic plasticity to light than native sugar maple. Tree Physiology, 32(11):1339-1347
  173. Posada, J.M., Sievanen, R., Messier, C., Perttunen, J., Nikinmaa, E., Lechowicz, M.J. (2012) Contributions of leaf photosynthetic capacity, leaf angle and self-shading to the maximization of net photosynthesis in Acer saccharum: a modelling assessment. Annals of Botany, 110(3):731-741
  174. Lindenmayer, D.B., Franklin, J.F., Lohmus, A., Baker, S.C., Bauhus, J., Beese, W., Brodie, A., Kiehl, B., Kouki, J., Pastur, G.M. et al. (2012) A major shift to the retention approach for forestry can help resolve some global forest sustainability issues. Conservation Letters, 5(6):421-431
  175. Tittler, R., Messier, C., Fall, A. (2012) Concentrating anthropogenic disturbance to balance ecological and economic values: Applications to forest management. Ecological Applications, 22(4):1268-1277
  176. Seiferling, I.S., Proulx, R., Peres-Neto, P.R., Fahrig, L., Messier, C. (2012) Measuring Protected-Area Isolation and Correlations of Isolation with Land-Use Intensity and Protection Status. Conservation Biology, 26(4):610-618
  177. Gustafsson, L., Baker, S.C., Bauhus, J., Beese, W.J., Brodie, A., Kouki, J., Lindenmayer, D.B., Lohmus, A., Pastur, G.M., Messier, C. et al. (2012) Retention Forestry to Maintain Multifunctional Forests: A World Perspective. BioScience, 62(7):633-645
  178. Hartmann, H., Messier, C. (2011) Interannual variation in competitive interactions from natural and anthropogenic disturbances in a temperate forest tree species: Implications for ecological interpretation. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(11):1936-1944
  179. Boivin, F., Paquette, A., Racine, P., Messier, C. (2011) A fast and reliable method for the delineation of tree crown outlines for the computation of crown openness values and other crown parameters. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41(9):1827-1835
  180. Domenicano, S., Coll, L., Messier, C., Berninger, F. (2011) Nitrogen forms affect root structure and water uptake in the hybrid poplar. New Forests, 42(3):347-362
  181. Messier, C., Puettmann, K.J. (2011) Forests as complex adaptive systems: implications for forest management and modelling. L'Italia Forestale e Montana, 66(3):249-258
  182. Messier, C., Belanger, N., Brisson, J., Lechowicz, M.J., Gravel, D. (2011) Comment on "Present-day expansion of American beech in northeastern hardwood forests: Does soil base status matter?". Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41(3):649-653
  183. Vanderwel, M.C., Caspersen, J.P., Malcolm, J.R., Papaik, M.J., Messier, C. (2011) Structural changes and potential vertebrate responses following simulated partial harvesting of boreal mixedwood stands. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(8):1362-1371
  184. Coll, L., Gonzalez-Olabarria, J.R., Mola-Yudego, B., Pukkala, T., Messier, C. (2011) Predicting understory maximum shrubs cover using altitude and overstory basal area in different Mediterranean forests. European Journal of Forest Research, 130(1):55-65
  185. Malo, C., Messier, C. (2011) Impact of primary and secondary machinery tracks on fine root growth of sugar maple after selection cutting. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41(4):892-897
  186. Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Pare, D., Messier, C., Belanger, N. (2011) Juvenile growth of hybrid poplars on acidic boreal soil determined by environmental effects of soil preparation, vegetation control, and fertilization. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(3):620-629
  187. Gravel, D., Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (2011) Sapling age structure and growth series reveal a shift in recruitment dynamics of sugar maple and American beech over the last 40 years. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41(4):873-880
  188. Aubin, I., Garbe, C.M., Colombo, S., Drever, C.R., McKenney, D.W., Messier, C., Pedlar, J., Saner, M.A., Venier, L., Wellstead, A.M. et al. (2011) Why we disagree about assisted migration: Ethical implications of a key debate regarding the future of Canada's forests. Forestry Chronicle, 87(6):755-765
  189. Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Cote, B., Messier, C. (2011) Assessment of sugar maple tree growth in relation to the partitioning of elements in xylem along a soil acidity gradient. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(1):95-104
  190. Coll, L., Schneider, R., Berninger, F., Domenicano, S., Messier, C. (2011) Quantifying the effect of nitrogen-induced physiological and structural changes on poplar growth using a carbon-balance model. Tree Physiology, 31(4):381-390
  191. Beaudet, M., Harvey, B.D., Messier, C., Coates, D.K., Poulin, J., Kneeshaw, D.D., Brais, S., Bergeron, Y. (2011) Managing understory light conditions in boreal mixedwoods through variation in the intensity and spatial pattern of harvest: A modelling approach. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(1):84-94
  192. Paquette, A., Messier, C. (2011) The effect of biodiversity on tree productivity: From temperate to boreal forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20(1):170-180
  193. Paquette, A., Fontaine, B., Messier, C., Brisson, J. (2010) Homogeneous light in shade-house experiment overestimates carbon gains in tree seedlings. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 2(6):117-121
  194. Berninger, K., Adamowicz, W., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C. (2010) Sustainable forest management preferences of interest groups in three regions with different levels of industrial forestry: An exploratory attribute-based choice experiment. Environmental Management, 46(1):117-133
  195. Boivin, F., Paquette, A., Papaik, M.J., Thiffault, N., Messier, C. (2010) Do position and species identity of neighbours matter in 8-15-year-old post harvest mesic stands in the boreal mixedwood? Forest Ecology and Management, 260(7):1124-1131
  196. Bastien-Henri, S., Park, A., Ashton, M., Messier, C. (2010) Biomass distribution among tropical tree species grown under differing regional climates. Forest Ecology and Management, 260(3):403-410
  197. Hartmann, H., Daoust, G., Bigue, B., Messier, C. (2010) Negative or positive effects of plantation and intensive forestry on biodiversity: A matter of scale and perspective. Forestry Chronicle, 86(3):354-364
  198. Paquette, A., Messier, C. (2010) The role of plantations in managing the world's forests in the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 8(1):27-34
  199. Gasser, D., Messier, C., Beaudet, M., Lechowicz, M.J. (2010) Sugar maple and yellow birch regeneration in response to canopy opening, liming and vegetation control in a temperate deciduous forest of Quebec. Forest Ecology and Management, 259(10):2006-2014
  200. Papaik, M.J., Fall, A., Sturtevant, B., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C., Fortin, M., Simon, N. (2010) Forest processes from stands to landscapes: Exploring model forecast uncertainties using cross-scale model comparison. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40(12):2345-2359
  201. Cote, P., Tittler, R., Messier, C., Kneeshaw, D.D., Fall, A., Fortin, M.-J. (2010) Comparing different forest zoning options for landscape-scale management of the boreal forest: Possible benefits of the TRIAD. Forest Ecology and Management, 259(3):418-427
  202. Gravel, D., Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (2010) Large-scale synchrony of gap dynamics and the distribution of understory tree species in maple-beech forests. Oecologia, 162(1):153-161
  203. Gravel, D., Canham, C. D., Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (2010) Shade tolerance, canopy gaps and mechanisms of coexistence of forest trees. Oikos, 119(3):475-484
  204. Drever, C.R., Bergeron, Y., Drever, M.C., Flannigan, M., Logan, T., Messier, C. (2009) Effects of climate on occurrence and size of large fires in a northern hardwood landscape: historical trends, forecasts, and implications for climate change in Temiscamingue, Quebec. Applied Vegetation Science, 12(3):261-272
  205. Hartmann, H., Beaudet, M., Mazerolle, M.J., Messier, C. (2009) Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) growth is influenced by close conspecifics and skid trail proximity following selection harvest. Forest Ecology and Management, 258(5):823 - 831
  206. Bauhus, J., Puettmann, K., Messier, C. (2009) Silviculture for old-growth attributes. Forest Ecology and Management, 258(4):525-537
  207. Messier, C., Coll, L., Poitras-Lariviere, A., Belanger, N., Brisson, J. (2009) Resource and non-resource root competition effects of grasses on early- versus late-successional trees. Journal of Ecology, 97(3):548-554
  208. Aubin, I., Ouellette, M.H., Legendre, P., Messier, C., Bouchard, A. (2009) Comparison of two plant functional approaches to evaluate natural restoration along an old-field - deciduous forest chronosequence. Journal of Vegetation Science, 20(2):185-198
  209. Berninger, K., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C. (2009) Effects of presenting forest simulation results on the forest values and attitudes of forestry professionals and other forest users in Central Labrador. Forest Policy and Economics, 11(2):126-133
  210. Messier, C., Tittler, R., Kneeshaw, D.D., Gelinas, N., Paquette, A., Berninger, K., Rheault, H., Meek, P., Beaulieu, N. (2009) TRIAD zoning in Quebec: Experiences and results after 5 years. Forestry Chronicle, 85(6):885-896
  211. Berninger, K., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C. (2009) The role of cultural models in local perceptions of SFM - Differences and similarities of interest groups from three boreal regions. Journal of Environmental Management, 90(2):740 - 751
  212. Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Cote, B., Messier, C. (2008) Extractability of elements in sugar maple xylem along a gradient of soil acidity. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37(3):871-879
  213. Papaik, M.J., Sturtevant, B., Messier, C. (2008) Crossing scales and disciplines to achieve forest sustainability. Ecology and Society, 13(1):--
  214. Lefrancois, M.-L., Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (2008) Crown openness as influenced by tree and site characteristics for yellow birch, sugar maple, and eastern hemlock. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38(3):488-497
  215. Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (2008) Beech regeneration of seed and root sucker origin: A comparison of morphology, growth, survival, and response to defoliation. Forest Ecology and Management, 255(10):3659-3666
  216. Hartmann, H., Wirth, C., Messier, C., Berninger, F. (2008) Effects of above- and belowground partial harvest disturbance on growth and water status of residual sugar maple. Tree Physiology, 28(12):1851-1862
  217. Gravel, D., Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (2008) Partitioning the Factors of Spatial Variation in Regeneration Density of Shade-Tolerant Tree Species. Ecology, 89(10):2879-2888
  218. Coll, L., Potvin, C., Messier, C., Delagrange, S. (2008) Root architecture and allocation patterns of eight native tropical species with different successional status used in open-grown mixed plantations in Panama. Trees - Structure and Function, 22(4):585-596
  219. Paquette, A., Messier, C., Perinet, P., Cogliastro, A. (2008) Simulating light availability under different hybrid poplar clones in a mixed intensive plantation system. Forest Science, 54(5):481-489
  220. Hartmann, H., Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (2008) Using longitudinal survival probabilities to test field vigour estimates in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.). Forest Ecology and Management, 256(10):1771-1779
  221. Aubin, I., Messier, C., Bouchard, A. (2008) Can plantations develop understory biological and physical attributes of naturally regenerated forests? Biological Conservation, 141(10):2461-2476
  222. Drever, C.R., Drever, M.C., Messier, C., Bergeron, Y., Flannigan, M. (2008) Fire and the relative roles of weather, climate and landscape characteristics in the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence forest of Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science, 19(1):57-66
  223. Hartmann, H., Messier, C. (2008) The role of forest tent caterpillar defoliations and partial harvest in the decline and death of sugar maple. Annals of Botany, 102(3):377-387
  224. Delagrange, S., Potvin, C., Messier, C., Coll, L. (2008) Linking multiple-level tree traits with biomass accumulation in native tree species used for reforestation in Panama. Trees - Structure and Function, 22(3):337-349
  225. Bladon, K.D., Silins, U., Lauhäusser, S., Messier, C., Lieffers, V.J. (2007) Carbon isotope discrimination and atmospheric water stress in trembling aspen following variable retention harvesting. Tree Physiology, 27:1065-1071
  226. Beaudet, M., Brisson, J., Messier, C., Gravel, D. (2007) Effect of a major ice storm on understory light conditions in an old-growth Acer-Fagus forest: Pattern of recovery over seven years. Forest Ecology and Management, 242(2-3):553-557
  227. Beaudet, M., Brisson, J., Gravel, D., Messier, C. (2007) Effect of a major canopy disturbance on the coexistence of Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia in the understorey of an old-growth forest. Journal of Ecology, 95:458-467
  228. Hartmann, H., Messier, C., Beaudet, M. (2007) Improving tree mortality models by accounting for environmental influences. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 37(11):2106-2114
  229. Bouchard, M., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C. (2007) Forest dynamics following spruce budworm outbreaks in the northern and southern mixedwoods of central Québec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 37:763-772
  230. Humbert, L., Gagnon, D., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C. (2007) A shade tolerance index for common understory species of northeastern North America. Ecological Indicators, 7(1):195-207
  231. Sturtevant, B.R., Fall, A., Kneeshaw, D.D., Simon, N.P.P., Papaik, M.J., Berninger, K., Doyon, F., Morgan, D.G., Messier, C. (2007) A toolkit modeling approach for sustainable forest management planning: Achieving balance between science and local needs. Ecology and Society, 12(2)
  232. Aubin, I., Gachet, S., Messier, C., Bouchard, A. (2007) How resilient are northern hardwood forests to human disturbance? An evaluation using a plant functional group approach. Ecoscience, 14(2):259-271
  233. Coll, L., Messier, C., Berninger, F., Delagrange, S. (2007) Growth, allocation and leaf gas exchanges of hybrid poplar plants in their establishment phase on previously forested sites: effect of different vegetation management techniques. Annals of Forest Science, 64(3):275-285
  234. James, P.M.A., Fortin, M.-J., Fall, A., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C. (2007) The effects of spatial legacies following shifting management practices and fire on boreal forest age structure. Ecosystems, 10(8):1261-1277
  235. Drever, C.R., Messier, C., Bergeron, Y., Doyon, F. (2006) Fire and canopy species composition in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence forest of Temiscamingue, Quebec. Forest Ecology and Management, 231(1-3):27-37
  236. Claveau, Y., Comeau, P.G., Messier, C., Kelly, C.P. (2006) Early above- and below-ground responses of subboreal conifer seedlings to various levels of deciduous canopy removal. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36(8):1891-1899
  237. Messier, C. (2006) New SFM modeling toolkit in the works. Forestry Chronicle, 82(4):467
  238. Burton, P.J., Messier, C., Adamowicz, W.L., Kuuluvainen, T. (2006) Sustainable management of Canada's boreal forests: Progress and prospects. Ecoscience, 13(2):234-248
  239. Bartemucci, P., Messier, C., Canham, C.D. (2006) Overstory influences on light attenuation patterns and understory plant community diversity and composition in southern boreal forests of Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36(9):2065-2079
  240. Delagrange, S., Huc, F., Messier, C., Dizengremel, P., Dreyer, E. (2006) In vivo and in situ rhizosphere respiration in Acer saccharum and Betula alleghaniensis seedlings grown in contrasting light regimes. Tree Physiology, 26(7):925-934
  241. Gravel, D., Canham, C.D., Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (2006) Reconciling niche and neutrality: The continuum hypothesis. Ecology Letters, 9(4):399-409
  242. Drever, C.R., Peterson, G., Messier, C., Bergeron, Y., Flannigan, M. (2006) Can forest management based on natural disturbances maintain ecological resilience? Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36(9):2285-2299
  243. Gendron, F., Messier, C., Lo, E., Comeau, P.G. (2006) The angular distribution of diffuse photosynthetically active radiation under different sky conditions in the open and within deciduous and conifer forest stands of Quebec and British Columbia, Canada. Annals of Forest Science, 63(1):43-53
  244. Messier, C., Poulin, J. (2006) L’île René-Levasseur, une ressource forestière de première importance. Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, 36:117-120
  245. Stadt, K.J., Lieffers, V.J., Hall, R.J., Messier, C. (2006) Erratum: Spatially explicit modeling of PAR transmission and growth of Picea glauca and Abies balsamea in boreal forests of Alberta and Quebec (Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (1-12)). Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36(5):1342-1343
  246. Fortier, J., Messier, C. (2006) Are chemical or mechanical treatments more sustainable for forest vegetation than management in the context of the TRIAD. Forestry Chronicle, 82:806-818
  247. Parent, S., Morin, H., Messier, C., Simard, M.J. (2006) Growth, biomass allocation, and adventitious roots of balsam fir seedlings growing in closed-canopy stands. Ecoscience, 13(1):89-94
  248. Delagrange, S., Montpied, P., Dreyer, E., Messier, C., Sinoquet, H. (2006) Does shade improve light interception efficiency? A comparison among seedlings from shade-tolerant and -intolerant temperate deciduous tree species. New Phytologist, 172(2):293-304
  249. Aubin, I., Messier, C., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2005) Population structure and growth acclimation of mountain maple along a successional gradient in the southern boreal forest. Ecoscience, 12(4):540-548
  250. Tremblay, M., Messier, C., Marceau, D.J. (2005) Analysis of deciduous tree species dynamics after a severe ice storm using SORTIE model simulations. Ecological Modelling, 187(2-3):297-313
  251. Claveau, Y., Messier, C., Comeau, P.G. (2005) Interacting influence of light and size on aboveground biomass distribution in sub-boreal conifer saplings with contrasting shade tolerance. Tree Physiology, 25(3):373-384
  252. Cheng, S., Widden, P., Messier, C. (2005) Light and tree size influence belowground development in yellow birch and sugar maple. Plant and Soil, 270(1):321-330
  253. Fortier, J., Messier, C., Coll, L. (2005) La problématique de l’utilisation des herbicides en foresterie: le cas du Québec. Vertigo, 6:
  254. Gaucher, C., Gougeon, S., Mauffette, Y., Messier, C. (2005) Seasonal variation in biomass and carbohydrate partitioning of understory sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis) seedlings. Tree Physiology, 25(1):93-100
  255. Stadt, K.J., Lieffers, V.J., Hall, R.J., Messier, C. (2005) Spatially explicit modeling of PAR transmission and growth of Picea glauca and Abies balsamea in the boreal forests of Alberta and Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35(1):1-12
  256. Angers, V.-A., Messier, C., Beaudet, M., Leduc, A. (2005) Comparing composition and structure in old-growth and harvested (selection and diameter-limit cuts) northern hardwood stands in Quebec. Forest Ecology and Management, 217(2-3):275-293
  257. Beaudet, M., Messier, C., Leduc, A. (2004) Understorey light profiles in temperate deciduous forests: Recovery process following selection cutting. Journal of Ecology, 92(2):328-338
  258. Delagrange, S., Messier, C., Lechowicz, M.J., Dizengremel, P. (2004) Physiological, morphological and allocational plasticity in understory deciduous trees: Importance of plant size and light availability. Tree Physiology, 24(7):775-784
  259. Pennanen, J., Greene, D.F., Fortin, M.-J., Messier, C. (2004) Spatially explicit simulation of long-term boreal forest landscape dynamics: Incorporating quantitative stand attributes. Ecological Modelling, 180(1):195-209
  260. Calogeropoulos, C., Greene, D.F., Messier, C., Brais, S. (2004) The effects of harvest intensity and seedbed type on germination and cumulative survivorship of white spruce and balsam fir in northwestern Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 34(7):1467-1476
  261. Brais, S., Harvey, B.D., Bergeron, Y., Messier, C., Greene, D.F., Belleau, A., Pare, D. (2004) Testing forest ecosystem management in boreal mixedwoods of northwestern Quebec: Initial response of aspen stands to different levels of harvesting. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 34(2):431-446
  262. Bourgeois, L., Messier, C., Brais, S. (2004) Mountain maple and balsam fir early response to partial and clear-cut harvesting under aspen stands of northern Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 34(10):2049-2059
  263. Coates, D.K., Canham, C.D., Beaudet, M., Sachs, D.L., Messier, C. (2003) Use of a spatially explicit individual-tree model (SORTIE/BC) to explore the implications of patchiness in structurally complex forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 186(1-3):297-310
  264. Parent, S., Simard, M.J., Morin, H., Messier, C. (2003) Establishment and dynamics of the balsam fir seedling bank in old forests of northeastern Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 33(4):597-603
  265. Nikinmaa, E., Messier, C., Sievanen, R., Perttunen, J., Lehtonen, M. (2003) Shoot growth and crown development: Effect of crown position in three-dimensional simulations. Tree Physiology, 23(2):129-136
  266. Ricard, J.P., Messier, C., Delagrange, S., Beaudet, M. (2003) Do understory sapling respond to both light and below-ground competition?: A field experiment in a north-eastern American hardwood forest and a literature review. Annals of Forest Science, 60(8):749-756
  267. Calogeropoulos, C., Greene, D.F., Messier, C., Brais, S. (2003) Refining tree recruitment models. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 33(1):41-46
  268. Claveau, Y., Messier, C., Comeau, P.G., Coates, D.K. (2002) Growth and crown morphological responses of boreal conifer seedlings and saplings with contrasting shade tolerance to a gradient of light and height. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32(3):458-468
  269. Parent, S., Morin, H., Messier, C. (2002) Missing growth rings at the trunk base in suppressed balsam fir saplings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32(10):1776-1783
  270. Greene, D.F., Messier, C., Asselin, H., Fortin, M.-J. (2002) The effect of light availability and basal area on cone production in Abies balsamea and Picea glauca. Canadian Journal of Botany, 80(4):370-377
  271. DeBellis, T., Widden, P., Messier, C. (2002) Effects of selective cuts on the mycorrhizae of regenerating Betula alleghaniensis and Acer saccharum seedlings in two Quebec mixed deciduous forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32(6):1094-1102
  272. Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (2002) Variation in canopy openness and light transmission following selection cutting in northern hardwood stands: An assessment based on hemispherical photographs. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 110(3):217-228
  273. Beaudet, M., Messier, C., Canham, C.D. (2002) Predictions of understorey light conditions in northern hardwood forests following parameterization, sensitivity analysis, and tests of the SORTIE light model. Forest Ecology and Management, 165(1-3):235-248
  274. Greene, D.F., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C., Lieffers, V., Cormier, D., Doucet, R., Coates, K.D., Groot, A., Grover, G., Calogeropoulos, C. (2002) Modelling silvicultural alternatives for conifer regeneration in boreal mixedwood stands (aspen/white spruce/balsam fir). Forestry Chronicle, 78(2):281-295
  275. Campbell, J.J., Messier, C., Bauhus, J. (2002) Does soil heterogeneity and compaction in ingrowth-cores affect growth and morphology of black spruce fine-roots? Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 33(7-8):1027-1037
  276. Gendron, F., Messier, C., Comeau, P.G. (2001) Temporal variations in the understorey photosynthetic photon flux density of a deciduous stand: The effects of canopy development, solar elevation, and sky conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 106(1):23-40
  277. Lo, E., Wang, Z.M., Lechowicz, M.J., Messier, C., Nikinmaa, E., Perttunen, J., Sievanen, R. (2001) Adaptation of the LIGNUM model for simulations of growth and light response in Jack pine. Forest Ecology and Management, 150(3):279-291
  278. Perttunen, J., Nikinmaa, E., Lechowicz, M.J., Sievanen, R., Messier, C. (2001) Application of the functional-structural tree model LIGNUM to sugar maple saplings (Acer saccharum Marsh) growing in forest gaps. Annals of Botany, 88(3):471-481
  279. Tittler, R., Messier, C., Burton, P.J. (2001) Hierarchical forest management planning and sustainable forest management in the boreal forest. Forestry Chronicle, 77(6):998-1005
  280. Parent, S., Morin, H., Messier, C. (2001) Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) establishment dynamics during a spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) outbreak: An evaluation of the impact of aging techniques. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 31(3):373-376
  281. Bauhus, J., Aubin, I., Messier, C., Connell, M. (2001) Composition, structure, light attenuation and nutrient content of the understorey vegetation in a Eucalyptus sieberi regrowth stand 6 years after thinning and fertilisation. Forest Ecology and Management, 144(1-3):275-286
  282. Duchesneau, R., Lesage, I., Messier, C., Morin, H. (2001) Effects of light and intraspecific competition on growth and crown morphology of two size classes of understory balsam fir saplings. Forest Ecology and Management, 140(2-3):215-225
  283. Kneeshaw, D.D., Leduc, A., Drapeau, P., Gauthier, S., Pare, D., Carignan, R., Doucet, R., Bouthillier, L., Messier, C. (2000) Development of integrated ecological standards of sustainable forest management at an operational scale. Forestry Chronicle, 76(3):481-493
  284. Messier, C., Nikinmaa, E. (2000) Effects of light availability and sapling size on the growth, biomass allocation, and crown morphology of understory sugar maple, yellow birch, and beech. Ecoscience, 7(3):345-356
  285. Aubin, I., Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (2000) Light extinction coefficients specific to the understory vegetation of the southern boreal forest, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 30(1):168-177
  286. Beaudet, M., Messier, C., Hilbert, D.W., Lo, E., Wang, Z.M., Lechowicz, M.J. (2000) Leaf- and plant-level carbon gain in yellow birch, sugar maple, and beech seedlings from contrasting forest light environments. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 30(3):390-404
  287. Goulet, J., Messier, C., Nikinmaa, E. (2000) Effect of branch position and light availability on shoot growth of understory sugar maple and yellow birch saplings. Canadian Journal of Botany, 78(8):1077-1085
  288. Parent, S., Morin, H., Messier, C. (2000) Effects of adventitious roots on age determination in Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) regeneration. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 30(3):513-518
  289. Ruel, J.-C., Messier, C., Doucet, R., Claveau, Y., Comeau, P. (2000) Morphological indicators of growth response of coniferous advance regeneration to overstorey removal in the boreal forest. Forestry Chronicle, 76(4):633-642
  290. Messier, C., Kneeshaw, D.D. (1999) Thinking and acting differently for sustainable management of the boreal forest. Forestry Chronicle, 75(6):929-938
  291. Lieffers, V.J., Messier, C., Stadt, K.J., Gendron, F., Comeau, P.G. (1999) Predicting and managing light in the understory of boreal forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29(6):796-811
  292. Messier, C., Parent, S., Chengaou, M., Beaulieu, J. (1999) Juvenile growth and crown morphological plasticity of eastern white pines (Pinus strobus L.) planted along a natural light gradient: Results after six years. Forestry Chronicle, 75(2):275-279
  293. Beaudet, M., Messier, C., Pare, D., Brisson, J., Bergeron, Y. (1999) Possible mechanisms of sugar maple regeneration failure and replacement by beech in the Boise-des-Muir old-growth forest, Quebec. Ecoscience, 6(2):264-271
  294. Messier, C., Doucet, R., Ruel, J.-C., Claveau, Y., Kelly, C., Lechowicz, M.J. (1999) Functional ecology of advance regeneration in relation to light in boreal forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29(6):812-823
  295. Messier, C., Zasada, J., Greene, D.F. (1999) Preamble to the three review papers presented following the workshop on Functional aspects of regeneration of the boreal forest in the context of sustainable forest management. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29:791-795
  296. Bauhus, J., Messier, C. (1999) Soil exploitation strategies of fine roots in different tree species of the southern boreal forest of eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29(2):260-273
  297. Bauhus, J., Messier, C. (1999) Evaluation of fine root length and diameter measurements obtained using RHIZO image analysis. Agronomy Journal, 91(1):142-147
  298. Williams, H., Messier, C., Kneeshaw, D.D. (1999) Effects of light availability and sapling size on the growth and crown morphology of understory Douglas-fir and lodgepole pine. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29(2):222-231
  299. Messier, C., Parent, S., Bergeron, Y. (1998) Effects of overstory and understory vegetation on the understory light environment in mixed boreal forests. Journal of Vegetation Science, 9(4):511-520
  300. Campbell Johanne, J., Finer, L., Messier, C. (1998) Fine-root production in small experimental gaps in successional mixed boreal forests. Journal of Vegetation Science, 9(4):537-542
  301. Gendron, F., Messier, C., Comeau, P.G. (1998) Comparison of various methods for estimating the mean growing season percent photosynthetic photon flux density in forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 92(1):55-70
  302. Beaudet, M., Messier, C. (1998) Growth and morphological responses of yellow birch, sugar maple, and beech seedlings growing under a natural light gradient. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 28(7):1007-1015
  303. Rochon, P., Pare, D., Messier, C. (1998) Development of an improved model estimating the nutrient content of the bole for four boreal tree species. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 28(1):37-43
  304. Finer, L., Messier, C., De Grandpre, L. (1997) Fine-root dynamics in mixed boreal conifer-broad-leafed forest stands at different successional stages after fire. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 27(3):304-314
  305. Messier, C., Parent, S. (1997) Reply - The effects of direct-beam light on overcast-day estimates of light availability: On the accuracy of the instantaneous one-point overcast-sky conditions method to estimate mean daily %PPFD under heterogeneous overstory canopy conditions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 27(2):274-275
  306. Hilbert, D.W., Messier, C. (1997) Erratum: Physical simulation of trees to study the effects of forest light environment, branch type and branch spacing on light interception and transmission (Functional Ecology (1997) 10 (777-783)). Functional Ecology, 11(5):663
  307. Ricard, J.P., Messier, C. (1996) Abundance, growth and allometry of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) along a natural light gradient in a northern hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 81(1-3):153-160
  308. Parent, S., Messier, C. (1996) A simple and efficient method to estimate microsite light availability under a forest canopy. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 26(1):151-154
  309. Hilbert, D.W., Messier, C. (1996) Physical simulation of trees to study the effects of forest light environment, branch type and branch spacing on light interception and transmission. Functional Ecology, 10(6):777-783
  310. Parent, S., Messier, C. (1995) Effets d'un gradient de lumiere sur la croissance en hauteur et la morphologie de la cime du sapin baumier regenere naturellement. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 25(6):878-885
  311. Messier, C., Puttonen, P. (1995) Growth, allocation, and morphological responses of Betula pubescens and Betula pendula to shade in developing Scots pine stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 25(4):629-637
  312. Messier, C., Puttonen, P. (1995) Spatial and temporal variation in the light environment of developing Scots pine stands: The basis for a quick and efficient method of characterizing light. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 25(2):343-354
  313. Messier, C., Keenan, R., Kimmins, J.P. (1995) The effects of soil mixing on soil nutrient status, recovery of competing vegetation and conifer growth on cedar-hemlock cutovers in coastal British Columbia. New Forests, 9(3):163-179
  314. Arsenault, J.-L., Pouleur, S., Messier, C., Guay, R. (1995) WinRHIZO, a root-measuring system with a unique overlap correction method (Abstract). HortScience, 30:906
  315. Keenan, R.J., Messier, C., Kimmins, J.P. (1994) Effects of clearcutting and soil mixing on soil properties and understorey biomass in western red cedar and western hemlock forests on northern Vancouver Island, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 68(2-3):251-261
  316. Messier, C., Mitchell, A.K. (1994) Effects of thinning in a 43-year-old Douglas-fir stand on above- and below-ground biomass allocation and leaf structure of understory Gaultheria shallon. Forest Ecology and Management, 68(2-3):263-271
  317. Messier, C., Puttonen, P. (1993) Coniferous and non-coniferous fine-root and rhizome production in Scots pine stands using the ingrowth bag method. Silva Fennica, 27(3):209-217
  318. Messier, C. (1993) Factors limiting early growth of western redcedar, western hemlock and Sitka spruce seedlings on ericaceous-dominated clearcut sites in coastal British Columbia. Forest Ecology and Management, 60(3-4):181-206
  319. Messier, C. (1992) Effects of neutral shade and growing media on growth, biomass allocation, and competitive ability of Gaultheria shallon. Canadian Journal of Botany, 70(11):2271-2276
  320. Messier, C., Kimmins, J.P. (1992) Growth of western red cedar seedlings in relation to microtopography, forest floor nutrient status, and fireweed and salal on clear-cut sites in coastal British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 22(3):273-278
  321. Messier, C., Kimmins, J.P. (1991) Above- and below-ground vegetation recovery in recently clearcut and burned sites dominated by Gaultheria shallon in coastal British Columbia. Forest Ecology and Management, 46(3-4):275-294
  322. Messier, C., Kimmins, J.P. (1990) Nutritional stress in Picea sitchensis plantations in coastal British Columbia: The effects of Gaultheria shallon and declining site fertility. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 54(SPEC. ISS.):257-267
  323. Messier, C., Honer, T.W., Kimmins, J.P. (1989) Photosynthetic photon flux density, red:far-red ratio, and minimum light requirement for survival of Gaultheria shallon in western red cedar-western hemlock stands in coastal British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 19(11):1470-1477
  324. Messier, C., Bellefleur, P. (1988) Light quantity and quality on the forest floor of pioneer and climax stages in a birch - beech - sugar maple stand. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 18(5):615-622
  325. Messier, C., Bellefleur, P. (1987) Variations des propriétés spectrales des feuilles au cours de la croissance du bouleau jaune. Canadian Journal of Botany, 65:1682-1686

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)

  1. Senecal, J.-F., Doyon, F., Messier, C. (2017) Canopy gap creation requires more than just tree death in temperate deciduous forests. In Proc. Silvilaser 2017, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA, October 12, 2017.
  2. Messier, C., Bigue, B., Bernier, L. (2003) Using fast-growing plantations to promote forest ecosystem protection in Canada. In Forest management at the XII World Forestry Congress. (FAO, Unasylva, Eds.) Pages 59-63

Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres

  1. Cavard, X., Drapeau, P., Bouchard, M., Boucher, J.-F., Boulanger, Y., Doyon, F., Filotas, E., Fouqueray, T., Jutras, S., Kneeshaw, D. et al. (2021) Mémoire du Centre d’étude de la forêt concernant le projet de Stratégie d’adaptation de la gestion et de l’aménagement des forêts aux changements climatiques. Technical report Présenté au Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec du Québec, Centre d'étude de la forêt
  2. Lorrain-Landry, F., Messier, C., He, J., Smargiassi, A., Kneeshaw, D.D., Paquette, A., Dupras, J. (2021) Verdir Québec pour augmenter la résilience et l’équité : Étude des préférences citoyennes à l’égard de laforêt urbaine. Technical report 31, Research Chair in Ecological Economics
  3. Lorrain-Landry, F., Messier, C., He, J., Smargiassi, A., Kneeshaw, D.D., Paquette, A., Dupras, J. (2021) Verdir Montréal pour augmenter la résilience et l’équité: Étude des préférences citoyennes à l’égard de laforêt urbaine. Technical report 31, Research Chair in Ecological Economics
  4. Thiffault, N., Paquette, A., Messier, C. (2017) Préparation de terrain, profondeur de mise en terre et gestion de la végétation concurrente dans les plantations de mélèze hybride. Avis de recherche forestière 91. Technical report, Direction de la recherche forestière, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs.
  5. Rayfield, B., Dupras, J., Francoeur, X., Dumitru, M., Dagenais, D., Vachon, J., PaquetteA., Lechowicz, M.J., Messier, C., Gonzalez, A. (2015) Les Infrastructures vertes : Un outil d’adaptation aux changements climatiques pour le Grand Montréal.
  6. Lecigne, B., Follett, M., Nock, C.A., Delagrange, S., Paquette, A., Messier, C. (2014) Identification des facteurs influençant la réaction des arbres aux tailles de dégagement des réseaux électriques. Technical report, Chaire CRSNG/Hydro Quebec sur le contrôle de la croissance des arbres, UQAM
  7. Craven D., Angers, V.-A., Filotas, E., Tittler, R., Desrochers, M., James, P.M.A., Messier, C. (2013) L'aménagement écosystémique de forêts privées du Centre-du-Québec dans le contexte des changements globaux. Technical report, Agence Forestière des Bois-Francs
  8. Beaudet, M., Harvey, B.D., Messier, C., Coates, D.K., Poulin, J., Kneeshaw, D.D., Brais, S., Bergeron, Y. (2011) Gestion des conditions lumineuses générées par la coupe partielle en variant l’intensité et le patron spatial de récolte: Une approche de modélisation. Note de recherche, Chaire industrielle CRSNG-UQAT-UQAM en Aménagement Forestier Durable
  9. Fall, A., Sturtevant, B., Fortin, M.-J., Papaik, M., Doyon, F., Morgan, D., Berninger, K., Messier, C. (2010) A practical approach for comparing management strategies in complex forest ecosystems using meta-modelling toolkits. Research Note Series 56, Sustainable Forest Management Network, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
  10. Hartmann, H., Daoust, G., Messier, C., Bigue, B (2009) Promouvoir la biodiversité avec la foresterie de plantations – une stratégie viable pour le Canada? Revue de littérature, Réseau Ligniculture Québec
  11. Messier, C., Papaik, M. (2008) Implementing and testing decision-support tools to evaluate forest management scenarios for SFM: a multiple scale and perspective approach. Final Reort, Sustainable Forest Management Network
  12. Greene, D.F., Kneeshaw, D.D., Messier, C., Lieffers, V., Grover, G. (2000) Deriving alternative silvicultural techniques from knoweldge of the ecology of tree regeneration. Technical report, SFMN
  13. Messier, C., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2000) Thinking and acting differently for a sustainable management of the boreal forest. Technical report, Sustainaible Forest Management Network
  14. Kelly, C., Messier, C., Bergeron, Y., Harvey, B. (1999) Silviculture adapted for intolerant deciduous stands on mixedwood sites of the south-eastern boreal forest. Technical report, Sustainable Forest Management Network

Thèses, mémoires et essais

  1. Messier, C. (1991) Factors limiting early conifer growth in salal-dominated cutovers on northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Thèse de doctorat, University of British Columbia

Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés

  1. Gagne, C. (2023) Analyse spatiotemporelle d’un territoire agroforestier : quand les conditions paysagères du passé et du présent s’unissent pour influencer les communautés forestières. Thèse de doctorat, UQAM
  2. Carol Aristizabal, M.I. (2021) Identification of the most damaging environmental pressures for the urban trees of the northeast of North America : a Delphi approach. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec en Outaouais
  3. Bouliane, P.-A. (2021) Plasticité phénotypique de jeunes arbres le long d'un gradient d'urbanisation. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec en Outaouais
  4. Lecigne, B. (2021) Architecture fonctionnelle des arbres émondés : croissance traumatique, complémentarité multi-échelle, spécialisation des axes et outils d'analyses 3D. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  5. Francoeur, X. (2020) Évaluation de la performance environnementale des surfaces gazonnées et de leur potentiel pour le développement des infrastructures naturelles urbaines. Thèse de doctorat, UQAM
  6. Guarinoni, M. (2020) Effet de l'élagage réglementaire sur la morphologie des arbres urbains et leur interception de verglas. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec en Outaouais
  7. Côté-Bourgoin, S. (2019) La simplification structurelle de la végétation dans les plantations de peuplier hybride mène à des différences de communautés d'oiseaux avec les forêts naturelles. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec en Outaouais
  8. Beaudoin, A. (2019) Analyse des caractéristiques, de la gouvernance et de la mise en Å“uvre des projets de corridors écologiques à Montréal. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec en Outaouais
  9. Senécal, J.-F. (2018) Analyse du processus de renouvellement par trouées de la forêt feuillue tempérée naturelle et jardinée. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  10. Aquilué Junyent, N. (2018) Managing forest landscapes under global changes : simulation models for scenario evaluation. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  11. Collin, A. (2017) Acclimatation nutritive et régénération de l'érable à sucre selon l'enrichissement en espèces conifériennes. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  12. Laforest-Lapointe, I. (2017) Exploring the temperate tree leaf microbiome : from natural forests to controlled experiments and urban environments. Thèse de doctorat, UQAM
  13. Martin-Guay, M.-O. (2017) Effets de la diversité sur la croissance de jeunes arbres de la forêt tempérée : rôle de la lumière et stratégies de distribution de la biomasse. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  14. Solarik, K. (2017) Limited migration : will sugar maple tap out to climate change? Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  15. Ramirez, J. (2017) The functional role of carbohydrate reserves in the growth and survival of trees. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  16. Follett, M. (2016) Branch growth response to pruning : development and testing of a new approach to measuring branch extension in trees. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  17. McCavour, M. (2016) The role of spatially aggregated post-harvest woody residue in soil fertility and the establishment, growth, and flowering of plants. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  18. St-Denis, A. (2016) Restauration forestière de terres agricoles abandonnées : effets des interactions biotiques sur l'établissement des arbres. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  19. Carpentier, S. (2015) Services écologiques et aménagement forestier-vers une nouvelle approche en forêt privée du sud du Québec. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  20. Archambault, C. (2015) Effet de la diversité spécifique et fonctionnelle des arbres sur la densité et profondeur d'enracinement. Mémoire de maîtrise, UQAM
  21. Buitrago, M. (2014) La variabilité des conditions du microsite affecte la réponse initiale des plants de mélèze hybride en plantation. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  22. Patry, C. (2014) Implication de la rétention forestière en aménagement écosystémique dans la conciliation des besoins écologiques et sociaux. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  23. Garbe, C. (2014) Traits fonctionnels des arbres : de la plasticité intraspécifique aux effets de leur diversité sur le fonctionnement de l'écosystème. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  24. Gautier-Ethier, S. (2013) Dynamique successionnelle cyclique des peuplements pionniers dans le paysage boréal québécois. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  25. Guerrero, N. (2013) Influences of tropical tree diversity on tree root decomposition. Mémoire de maîtrise, UQAM
  26. Lecigne, B. (2013) Effets des tailles de dégagement des réseaux électriques sur la colonisation de l'espace par les arbres, développement et mise en application d'une méthode d'analyse de données t-lidar. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  27. Lambert, J.-B. (2013) La régénération du bouleau jaune (Betula alleghaniensis) dans les forêts feuillues aménagées de l'est de l'Amérique du Nord : importance du bois mort. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  28. Bannon, K. (2012) Compétivité de l'érable à sucre et du hêtre à grandes feuilles et dynamique de leur remplacement dans les érablières du sud ouest du Québec. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  29. Witte, I. (2012) Vers un aménagement des forêts complexes : décrire et mesurer la complexité des forêts. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  30. Boivin, F. (2010) Est-ce que la position et l'espèce des voisins comptent? une comparaison d'indices de compétition dans des peuplements âgés de huit à quinze ans de la forêt boréale mixte. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  31. Seiferling, I (2010) A novel measure of protected area isolation : correlations with the protection status and surrounding land-use intensity. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  32. Malo, C. (2009) Impact de la machinerie forestière sur la croissance des racines fines de l'érable à sucre suite à une coupe jardinatoire. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  33. Berninger, K. (2009) Perceptions locales de l'aménagement forestier durable dans trois régions de la forêt boréale. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  34. Bastien-Henri, S. (2008) Biomasse aérienne en plantations d'arbres tropicaux. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  35. Hartmann, H. (2008) Identification des facteurs de stress impliqués dans le déclin et la mortalité de l'érable à sucre après coupe de jardinage : étude de la croissance, de la vigueur et de l'état hydrique des arbres. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  36. Aubin, I. (2008) Évaluation de l’intégrité écologique des écosystèmes forestiers du Québec méridional. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Montréal
  37. Gasser, D. (2007) Compétition et coexistence de l'érable à sucre et du bouleau jaune au stade juvénile. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec a Montréal
  38. Gravel, D. (2007) Dynamique et coexistence d'espèces forestières tolérantes à l'ombre : le cas de l'érable à sucre et du hêtre à grandes feuilles. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  39. Cote, P. (2007) Évaluation à long terme de l'impact de différents scénarios de l'approche triade sur la structure des classes d'âge, les patrons de paysage et la récolte de la matière ligneuse en forêt boréale mixte. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  40. Poitras-Lariviere, A. (2007) Compétition racinaire pour l'espace entre la végétation herbacée et des jeunes arbres de différents stades de succession. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  41. Drever, C.R. (2007) Effects of climate change on fire for a deciduous forest landscape in Témiscamingue, Québec. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  42. Domenicano, S. (2007) Effets de la fertilisation à l’azote sur la croissance, l’architecture racinaire et le flux de sève du peuplier hybride. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec a Montréal
  43. Bilodeau-Gauthier, S. (2007) Comportement des éléments dans le xylème de l'érable à sucre selon un gradient d'acidité du sol. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  44. Lefrançois, M.-L. (2006) Effets régionaux, spécifiques et allométriques sur l'ouverture de la couronne du bouleau jaune, de l'érable à sucre et de la pruche du Canada : implication pour la paramétrisation du modèle sortie. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  45. Humbert, L. (2006) Tolérance et largeur de niche des espèces herbacées des forêts québécoises vis-à-vis du PH et de la lumière. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  46. Morin, A. (2005) Réponses morphologiques et survie de semis de bouleau jaune suite au dégagement dans des coupes par parquets situées en Haute-Mauricie, Québec, Canada. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  47. Angers, V.-A. (2004) Comparaison de la structure et de la composition d'érablières anciennes et aménagées (coupe de jardinage et coupe à diamètre limite). Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  48. Delagrange, S. (2004) Influence de la disponibilité en lumière et de la taille sur les attributs fonctionnels et le bilan de carbone de l'arbre. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal ; Université Henri Poincaré Nancy I
  49. Bourgeois, L. (2003) Réponse fonctionnelle après trois ans de l'érable à épis et du sapin baumier à un gradient d'ouverture en sous-étage de tremblaies en Abitibi. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  50. Parent, S. (2002) Stratégies de croissance en sous-bois chez les semis du sapin baumier. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  51. Bartemucci, P. (2002) Overstory influences on understory plant communities and light environments in mixedwood boreal forests of Québec. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  52. Claveau, Y. (2002) Acclimatations de semis de conifères boréaux en fonction d'un gradient de lumière, d'éclaircie et de hauteur. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  53. Gendron, F. (2002) Caractérisation de la lumière sous différentes peuplements forestiers et son influence sur la croissance et la morphologie de conifères en sous-couvert. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  54. Beaudet, M. (2001) Caractérisation et modélisation des effets du couvert forestier sur la dynamique de la lumière et de la régénération dans l'érablière. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  55. D'astous, M.-O. (2000) Caractérisation de la transmission de la lumière en forêt boréale: effets de la richesse, la composition et la structure d'un peuplement forestier. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  56. Goulet, J. (1999) Effets de la disponibilité de la lumière et de la position des branches sur la croissance et l'architecture de celles-ci chez des semis de bouleau jaune et d'érable à sucre. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  57. Aubin, I. (1999) Végétation de sous-bois et disponibilité de la lumière dans la forêt boréale du sud-ouest québécois. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  58. Larivière, J. (1998) Évaluation du potentiel de croissance de la régénération préétablie de conifères croissant sous des tremblaies en Abitibi, Québec. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  59. Campbell, J. (1997) Production de radicelles en trouées en fôret boréale et effets de la compaction du sol, de l'hétérogénéité du sol et de la compétition végétale dans les sacs de croissance. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  60. Chengaou, M. (1997) Effets d'un gradient de lumière sur la croissance et la morphologie de la cime de jeunes gaulis de pin blanc (Pinus strobus L.) plantés sous couvert de feuillus intolérants. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  61. Williams, H. (1996) La dynamique de croissance de la régénération pré-établie du sapin douglas et du pin lodgepole sur le plateau Fraser, Colombie-Britannique. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec a Montréal
  62. Ricard, J.-P. (1995) Abondance, croissance et allométrie du framboisier sauvage le long d'un gradient de lumière dans une érablière à bouleau jaune et hêtre à grandes feuilles. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  63. Parent, S. (1995) Effets d'un gradient de lumière sur la croissance en hauteur et morphologie de la cime du sapin baumier. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
  64. Beaudet, M. (1994) Effet de l'ouverture du couvert forestier sur la croissance, la morphologie et la réponse photosynthétique de semis de bouleau jaune, d'érable à sucre et de hêtre à grandes feuilles. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal

Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Messier, C., Poulin, J. (2007) L’écologie, la science qui permet de décoder son environnement. In Vivo, volume 27(1):8-9
  2. Angers, V.-A., Messier, C., Beaudet, M., Leduc, A. (2005) Pour un jardinage s’inspirant davantage des perturbations naturelles. L'Aubelle, numéro 148:15-18
  3. Leduc, A., Messier, C., Bergeron, Y., Kneeshaw, D.D., Munson, A.D., Bouthillier, L., Belanger, L. (2002) La coupe mosaique : un bien faible progrès. L'Aubelle, numéro 143
  4. Leduc, A., Messier, C., Drapeau, P., Harvey, B.D., Bergeron, Y., Imbeau, L., Munson, A.D., Belanger, L., Bouthillier, L., Darveau, M. et al. (2002) Modification du RNI : une timide ouverture à une gestion plus adaptée aux réalités régionales. L'Aubelle, 140:20-21
  5. Kneeshaw, D.D., Yamasaki, S., Fortin, M.-J., Messier, C., Leduc, A. (2001) Développement d'indicateurs et d'outils d'évaluation de GDF à une échelle opérationnelle: un défi d'intégration. L'Aubelle, numéro 142:134-135
  6. Messier, C. (2001) L’évolution du concept d’aménagement durable de la forêt. Progrès Forestier, été 2001
  7. Messier, C., Bernier, P.Y., Lo, E., Coates, D.K. (2001) Le rôle et l'importance des modèles de simulation en foresterie pour le Québec. L'Aubelle, numéro 139
  8. Messier, C., Beaudet, M. (2000) L’aménagement durable des érablières sucrières. L'Aubelle, numéro 132 et 133
  9. Ruel, J.-C., Messier, C., Doucet, R., Claveau, Y., Comeau, P. (1999) Review of possible individual or combined morphological indicators to assess the vigour of regenerating trees in natural conditions. SFMn publication, Working Paper 1999-32
  10. Messier, C. (1999) Penser et faire différemment pour une gestion et un aménagement durable de la forêt boréale. L'Aubelle, numéro 128:15-26
  11. Messier, C. (1998) Forêt mixte : un tour d’horizon. Progrès Forestier, Été 1998
  12. Claveau, Y., Messier, C. (1998) La régénération naturelle en forêt boréale est-elle possible? L'Aubelle, numéro 124:17-20
  13. Claveau, Y., Messier, C. (1998) Evaluation de diverses stratégies sylvicoles pour une régénération efficace de la forêt boréale résineuse : régénération naturelle vs. artificielle. L'Aubelle, 125
  14. Messier, C., Charron, D. (1996) L’écologie forestière. Réseau, le magazine de l'Université du Québec à Montréal, 28(1):14-19

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