Photo submission form for the CEF Instagram account and website homepage

Have you taken beautiful photos during an outing in the forest, during your fieldwork or during a CEF activity? Submit your photo and it could be integrated into the CEF Instagram account  with a link to your web page. It could also be randomly displayed on the home page of the CEF website. Only the most beautiful photos, submitted by CEF members and representative of CEF research activities, will be selected.

WARNING: Photos must be in landscape format and ideally respect a width/height ratio of 16:9 with a minimum width of 1280 pixels. So ideally 1280 pixels wide x 720 pixels in height. If your photo does not respect this width/height ratio, we will have to crop it (crop) and if its width is lower than 1280 pixels or if its height is smaller than 720 pixels, we will not be able to consider it. In addition, it will not be possible to upload photos larger than 500 kilobytes (512000 bytes).

WARNING: By submitting your photo with this form, you authorize the CEF to use this photo in the CEF Instagram account and on the CEF website.

If you have any questions, contact Pierre Racine...

What is your full name?

Firstname and lastname

What is your email?
What is the address of your personal web page?

Write "cef" if your page is on the CEF website or "none" if you don't have any

What is the description of your photo?

Describe the activity and indicate the location, the date and the names of people present in the photo if applicable. 300 characters maximum.

characters remaining...
Select your photo to upload
 No file selected
Prove that you are human by entering this number: 638

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Le CEF est un
regroupement stratégique du

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********************************************************** ******************** Colloque du CEF ********************* **********************************************************

********************************************************** ************** Formations et Écoles d'été **************** **********************************************************

Formations et Écoles

Analyse de pistes pour écologistes 
Cours intensif ECL805 enseigné par Bill Shipley.
2 - 7 juin 2024
Université de Sherbrooke
Summer School in Evolutionary Ecology and Biology 2024 
Pedagogical coordinator is Adam Ali.
24 juin - 3 juillet 2024
Campus Triolet, Montpellier, France

********************************************************** ********** Colloque Développement durable UQAC *********** **********************************************************

********************************************************** **************** Balcony Garden Project ****************** **********************************************************

********************************************************** ********* Mémoire CEF Changements Climatiques ************ **********************************************************

********************************************************** ***************** Pub - Symphonies_Boreales ****************** **********************************************************