List of symbiotic bacteria

Species Identification number Origin or source Date of isolation Comments References Culture media
Frankia sp. ACN14a 1982 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Normand & Lalonde, 1982, Can J Micro 28, 1133-1142 BAP-PCM
Frankia sp. ACON24d 1984 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Simonet, P., A. Capellano, E. Navarro, R. Bardin, and A. Moiroud. 1984. An improved method for lysis of Frankia with achromopeptidase allows detection of new plasmids. Can. J. Microbiol. 30:1292-1295. BAP-PCM
Frankia sp. AgP1R3 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France BAP-PCM
Frankia sp. Ar2402 1989 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Simonet, P., N. Thi Le, A. Moiroud, and R. Bardin. 1989. Diversity of Frankia strains isolated from a single alder stand. Plant Soil 118:13-22. BAP-PCM
Frankia sp. ArI3 1979 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Berry, A., and J. G. Torrey. 1979. Isolation and characterization in vivo and in vitro of an actinomycetous endophyte from Alnus rubra Bong, p. 69-83. In J. C. Gordon, C. T. Wheeler, and D. A. Perry (ed.), Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the management of temperate forests. Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University, Corvallis. BAP-PCM
Frankia sp. ArI4 1982 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Dillon Baker 1982. Variations in nitrogenase activity among pure-cultured Frankia strains tested on actinorhizal plants as an indication of symbiotic compatibility. New Phytol. (1982), 92, 215-219 BAP
Frankia sp. ArI5 1984 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Murry, M. A., M. S. Fontaine, and J. G. Torrey. 1984. Growth kinetics and nitrogenase induction in Frankia sp. HFP ArI5 grown in batch culture. Plant Soil 78:61-79. BAP-PCM
Frankia sp. CCI3 1983 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Zhang, Z., M.F. Lopez, and J.G. Torrey, A comparison of cultural characteristics and infectivity of Frankia isolates from root nodules of Casuarina species. Plant and Soil, 1984. 78 : p. 79-90. BAP-PCM
Frankia sp. CH37 1991 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Prin, Y., Maggia, L., Picard, C., Diem, H.G., and Goullet, P. 1991. Electrophoretic comparison of enzymes from 22 single-spore cultures obtained from Frankia strain ORS22140102. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 77: 223-228. BAP
Frankia sp. CPI1 1978 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Callaham D, Del Tredici P and Torrey J G 1978 Isolation and cultivation in vitro of the actinomycete causing nodulation in Comptonia. Science 199, 899-902. BAP
Frankia sp. Cg70.4 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France BAP
Frankia sp. Cg70.9 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France BAP
Frankia sp. Cj1-82 1983 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Diem, H. G., and Y. Dommergues. 1983. The isolation of Frankia from nodules of Casuarina. Can. J. Bot. 61:2822-2825. BAP
Frankia sp. Ea1-12 1989 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Fernandez, M. P., H. Meugnier, P. A. D. Grimont, and R. Bardin. 1989. Deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness among members of the genus Frankia. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 39:424-429. BAP
Frankia sp. M16467 1989 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Bloom, R. A., M. P. Lechevalier, and R. L. Tate. 1989. Physiological, chemical, morphological, and plant infectivity characteristics of Frankia isolates from Myrica pensylvanica: correlation to DNA restriction patterns. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55:2161-2166. BAP-PCM
Frankia sp. ORS608 Kindly provided by Dr. P. Normand, U de Lyon, France Diem and Dommergues, unpublished in Nazaret S, Simonet P, Normand P & Bardin R. 1989. Genetic diversity among Frankia strains isolated from Casuarina nodules. Plant and Soil 118 : 241-247. BAP

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