************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******** Partie visible aux éditeurs de la page seulement ************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************ Bandeau entête ******************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

15th CFR Annual Conference

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************* Menu Bilingue ******************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************ Intro Bilingue ******************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ There we are! At last! The CEF is delighted to invite you to its first Annual Conference in person in three years! The conference will take place at the Centre Culturel de l’Université de Sherbrooke  on September 28 and 29, 2022. A day of training workshop will precede the Conference on September 27.

Would you like to share the results of your research project and discuss with researchers in your study area? Would you like to develop your network in the field of forest science? Would you like to see your colleagues in the flesh? The CEF Annual Conference is open to all CEF members and partners. This is an extraordinary opportunity to interact with members of the forest science research community in Quebec. It is open to all CEF members and partners.

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ **************** Programme Préliminaire Bilingue *********************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Preliminary Program

Tuesday Sept 27th Wednesday Sept 28th Thurday sept 29th
AM Workshops
PM Workshops
  • Poster session #2
  • Presentations Block 5
  • Best Student Presentations Awards and Door Prizes
  • Closing Remarks
Evening Sports and
Social Activities
Sports and
Social Activities

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ***************** Conférence Principale Bilingue *********************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Invited Speaker

Dr. Jessica McCarty  is an Associate Professor  of Geography at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, USA and has more than 15 years’ experience in applications of remote sensing and geospatial science to quantify wildland and human-caused fires, fire emissions, forestry and natural resources, agriculture and food security, and land-cover/land-use change. She is a NASA-funded PI and author or co-author of more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles , four data citations, and one NASA Technology Transfer. She is a member of the Arctic Council ’s Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme 's Expert Group on Short-Lived Climate Forcers, contributor to the EU-funded Arctic Black Carbon impacting on Climate and Air Pollution (ABC-iCAP), and has co-developed fire emission methodologies used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory and National Emissions Inventory. In summer 2022, she was appointed an Associate Program Manager for NASA's Earth Science Applied Sciences Wildfires program.

She will present:

Future Arctic and Boreal Fire Regimes

Wildland fires in the boreal and Arctic are increasing in frequency and severity, with extreme fire seasons documented across the Pan-Arctic in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Globally, human-caused and wildland fires above 60°N were larger sources of black carbon and methane than current modeled estimates of anthropogenic sectors. This talk will summarize recent and ongoing results from a recent Arctic Council expert group report as well as a current EU-funded project to understand the impact of fires in the High Northern Latitudes on air quality, black carbon emissions, and potentially emission inventories. It will highlight ongoing and needed collaboration of European scientists with U.S. and Canadian fire researchers. Several NASA programs, including NASA Wildland Fire Management and NASA FireSense, are seeking to understand and enhance collaboration between North American ecology and fire researchers and scientists, including geospatial data users. Issues of inclusion, diversity, and equity are inherent to understanding fire ecology and fire management in the High Northern Latitudes, including centering and deferring to Indigenous and local communities.

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************* Panel Bilingue ******************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Forum on issues related to remote sensing in forestry

Forum supported and co-organized by the Quebec Association for Remote Sensing (AQT) 

The search for quality information is central both for forest inventories and for everything related to modeling monitoring. Remote sensing has always had an important role for quality forest data. With the development of sensors in a wide range of technologies, remote sensing currently offers so many choices that it is difficult to determine which solution is suitable for advanced research or for the establishment of operational procedures. The AQT invites you to a one-hour discussion on this subject with a panel of experts from four backgrounds.

Richard Fournier has been a professor in the Department of Applied Geomatics at the Université de Sherbrooke since 2001. He specializes in the use of geomatics for the management of forests and natural environments. He is a regular researcher at CEF and CARTEL  (Center for applications and research in remote sensing). He obtained his degree in atmospheric physics at UQAM in 1986, his master's degree in remote sensing at York University in 1989 and his doctorate in geomatics at Université Laval in 1997. He worked for 5 years at the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing and 5 years at the Canadian Forest Service. He specialized in methods’ development for the use of various lidar types: airborne, terrestrial or mobile. He also apply data fusion from several sources of remote sensing data. He is also Vice-President of the Quebec Association for Remote Sensing since 2017.

Guest Speakers

Jean-Francois Bourdon is a remote sensing analyst at the Direction des Inventaires Forestiers du Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec  since 2017. He participates in the development of new products derived from LiDAR in collaboration with external research teams and adapts the methodologies developed with a view to applying them throughout Québec. He obtained his degree in forest engineering from the Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics of University Laval in 2013 and then began a master's degree in forest sciences at the same place on the use of remote sensing for the collection of morels in forest fires.
Maude Pelletier  is President, CEO of Balkos Technologies  and Founder and Managing Director at MVT Geo-Solutions . She holds a bachelor's degree in physical and environmental geography (2012) and a master's degree in geomorphology (2015), both from Université Laval (Centre d'étude nordique).
Nathalie Perron  has been the director of the project office and training at the Centre d’enseignement et de recherche en foresterie (CERFO)  since April 2022. She manages major projects related to the fields of the forest environment. Among other things, she leads "Lidar Operations", a project aimed at promoting lidar products derived from the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs and training forestry contractors in their use. She holds a degree in biology from the University of Sherbrooke (1991) and a master's degree in renewable resources from the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (1994). She also holds a doctorate in forest sciences from Laval University since 2003. She has more than 20 years of experience in strategic development, both in the forest industry, the scientific research community and in the Quebec public service.

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ *********** Horaire des Conférences Détaillé Bilingue ****************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Oral Presentations Program

All talks will be held at the Centre culturel of the Université de Sherbrooke (map PDF ).

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ********************** MATIN DU PREMIER JOUR *************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Wednesday September 28 ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ****************************** ACCUEIL ********************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

07h45 Registration
Hall d'entrée du Centre culturel

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************* MOT DE BIENVENUE ***************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

08h30 Welcoming remarks
Richard Fournier, Pierre Drapeau and Daniel Kneeshaw
Balcon Orford

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ********************** CONFERENCE PRINCIPALE *************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

08h45 Keynote Conference
« Future Arctic and Boreal Fire Regimes »

Jessica McCarty 

Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Miami University in Ohio

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************ PRÉSENTATIONS DES CHERCHEURS ********************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Presentations by CFR researchers

Balcon Orford

10h00 « Converser en bouleau: des expressions phénologiques »

Gisèle Trudel (UQAM), Susan Turcot  (UQAM) et Marie-Eve Morissette  (NAD)

10h15 « Sortir des sentiers battus »

Patricia Raymond

10h30 « Les chemins que nous traçons »

Osvaldo Valeria

10h45 « Oiseaux et écosystèmes boréaux – des travaux de terrain appliqués à la modélisation de scénarios futures »

Junior A. Tremblay

Environnement et changement climatique Canada

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ****************************** AFFICHES ******************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

11h00 Transit towards CFR member's annual board meeting - Parterre Bellevue
11h00 Poster session #1 (11h00-12h00)
Room Hall d'entrée

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ****************************** DINER ******************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

12h00 Lunch - Balcon Bellevue

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ *************************** TABLE RONDE ******************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

13h30 Forum on issues related to remote sensing in forestry
Balcon Orford

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************************* PAUSE ********************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

14h40 Break (30 minutes)

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************************* BLOC 1 ********************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

1st block of presentations
Urban Forest
Moderated by Alison Munson
Balcon Orford
Forest Pests
Moderated by Maxence Martin
Parterre Orford
15h10 Batistin Bour
Cartographier la canopée des grandes villes du Québec : une mission pour le lidar et l'intelligence artificielle.
Morgane Henry
Outbreaks of spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana): a story of population dynamics, environmental conditions, and defoliation
15h30 Roberto Sepulveda-Mina
Aucun effet des fourmis ou vers de terre sur la conductivité hydraulique des sols urbains
Sabrina Brisson
Facteurs de mortalité chez la régénération préétablie en contexte d'épidémie de tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette et de coupes de récupération
15h50 Clément Pallafray
Impact de la coupe de racines sur la stabilité des arbres en milieu urbain
Anoj Subedi
Climate warming reduces black spruce growth during an outbreak period
16h10 Maria Faticov
Foliar fungi under urban stress
Essivi Gagnon Koudji
La défoliation du peuplier faux-tremble par la livrée des forêts modifie la composition de la communauté des collemboles du sol

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************************* BLOC 2 ********************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

2nd block of presentations
Moderated by Pierre Drapeau
Balcon Orford
Social Forestry
Moderated by Catherine Potvin
Parterre Orford
16h30 Julie-Pier Viau
Au gré des saisons: variations temporelles des patrons de sélection d'habitat à fine échelle spatiale de la martre d'Amérique
Guillaume Proulx
Les feux de forêt dans le paysage culturel d’Eeyou Istchee chez les utilisateurs cris du territoire de Nemaska et Wemindji
16h50 Eve-line Bérubé-Beaulieu
Les ressources et habitudes alimentaires du Grand Pic sont influencées par l'utilisation des terres en forêt Boréale
Andréanne Girard-Lemieux
La gouvernance partagée pour la gestion des aires protégées: une avenue possible pour améliorer les pratiques de gestion?
17h10 Akib Hasan
First characterization of the trophic structure and biodiversity of esker lakes
Katia Forgues
Reforestation en contexte communautaire, quelle stratégie choisir pour maximiser la séquestration de carbone?

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ **************************** DEUXIEME JOUR ***************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Thursday September 29 ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ****************************** ACTIVITE ******************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

07h15 Fun Run
Around Lac des nations (parking at the Marché de la Gare near Times Hotel)

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ****************************** ACCUEIL ********************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

08h00 Registration
Hall d'entrée du Centre culturel

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************************* BLOC 3 ********************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

3rd block of presentations
Moderated by Patricia Raymond
Balcon Orford
Remote sensing and GIS
Moderated by Richard Fournier
Parterre Orford
Forest Ecology and Plantations
Moderated by Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe
Parterre Bellevue
08h30 Olivier Villemaire-Côté - ANNULÉE
Régénération du thuya occidental : est-ce que le cerf de Virginie court-circuite l'effet de la formation de trouées?
Victor Danneyrolles
Suivi et modélisation de la dynamique structurelle des forêts perturbées avec les données de LiDAR aéroporté
Audrey Maheu
Les propriétés biochimiques des sols associés aux érablières envahies par le hêtre à grandes feuilles diminuent la tolérance de l'érable à sucre au stress hydrique
08h50 Louana Tassi
Quand le loup n'est pas là : modélisation de la dynamique de la population d'orignaux du Parc National Forillon en Gaspésie
Myriam Cloutier
Automated identification of tree species using deep learning and drone imagery in a deciduous forest
Emmanuel Amoah Boakye
Spatial heterogeneity of climate and stand factors modulate the growth of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) trees in eastern Canada
09h10 Rebecca Lacerte
La fin du chemin : Réponses à court terme d'une communauté de grands mammifères au démantèlement de chemins forestiers
Christine Wallis
The influence of tree composition and diversity on carbon storage: combining field and airborne hyperspectral data
Joey Chamard
Caractérisation du microbiome racinaire de l'érable à sucre le long de deux gradients d'élévation
09h30 Arnaud Benoit-Pépin
Explication de l'utilisation des structures linéaires par les prédateurs du caribou boréal ainsi que son compétiteur apparent.
Anna Crofts
Linking hyperspectral imagery to canopy tree biodiversity: an examination of the spectral variation hypothesis along an elevation gradient in Quebec, Canada.
Ming Ni
Soil properties constrain forest understory plant distributions along a climatic elevational gradient
09h50 Martin-Hugues St-Laurent
Abaisser le taux de coupe pour atténuer les impacts des changements climatiques sur la qualité d'habitat du caribou forestier au Québec
Richard Fournier
Conception d'un indice de suivi de l'état des écosystèmes riverains pour le Québec méridional : Unités spatiales et fonctions écologiques
Clément Hardy
Nouveaux défis, nouvelle TRIAD : exploration d'un aménagement forestier combinant zonage et plantations fonctionnelles pour augmenter la résilience des forêts

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************************* PAUSE ********************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

10h10 Break (30 minutes)

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************************* BLOC 4 ********************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

4th block of presentations
Moderated by Annie Deslauriers
Balcon Orford
Functional traits
Moderated by Victor Danneyrolles
Parterre Orford
10h40 Roberto Silvestro
La phénologie de formation du bois: variabilité au sein d'une peuplement et conséquences pour la taille de l'échantillon
Elise Bouchard
Biogéographie mondiale des traits fonctionnels des arbres
11h00 Mamitiana Rasoanaivo
Effet de la prolifération du hêtre sur la transpiration de l'érable à sucre
Vanessa Di Maurizio
L’effet de la diversité sur la croissance individuelle des arbres: comment les espèces réagissent-elles à la diversité de leur voisinage?
11h20 Claudio Mura
The early bud gets the cold: spring phenology drives exposure to late frost
Raphaël Turquin
Réponse de la végétation de sous-bois 12 ans après éclaircie commerciale et la création de trouées dans des peuplements naturellement régénérés et des plantations d'épinettes blanches.
11h40 Apolline Benoist
Dynamique de l'azote au cours de la décomposition du bois : Etude sur 5 espèces représentatives des forêts de l'Est du Canada.
Mialintsoa Aroniaina Randriamananjara
Diversité végétale et fonctionnelle dans les plantations mixtes de peupliers hybrides et les monocultures

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************************* PAUSE ********************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

12h00 Lunch - Balcon Bellevue

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ***************************** AFFICHES ********************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

13h30 Poster Session #2 (13h30-15h00)
Room Hall d'entrée

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ **************************** TRANSITION ******************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

15h00 Transit toward rooms

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ****************************** BLOC 5 ********************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

5th block of presentations
Moderated by Nelson Thiffault
Balcon Orford
Climate Change
Moderated by Elise Filotas
Parterre Orford
Soil & Moss
Moderated by Jérôme Laganière
Parterre Bellevue
15h30 Sara Yumi Sassamoto Kurokawa
Daily timings of sap production in sugar maple in Quebec, Canada
Chloé Morineau
Le réchauffement climatique comme bouc émissaire : quantifier l'importance du climat dans la rétraction vers le nord de l'aire de distribution du caribou forestier au Québec depuis 1850
Sarah Ishak
Of Microbiomes and Mosses: Functions of the boreal moss microbiome from north Québec
15h50 Jonathan Kusa Kimbukusu
Contrôler l'aulne rugueux (Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Clausen) pour restaurer la productivité en forêt boréale
Yan Boulanger
Impacts des changements climatiques sur les forêts québécoises : ce qu'une analyse intégrée régionale nous a appris
Philip Bell-Doyon
Les communautés de bactéries, de champignons et de mycorhizes dans le sol en forêt boréale diffèrent entre coupe totale et épidémie d'insecte 50 ans après perturbation
16h10 Claudie-Maude Canuel
Intensifier la récolte de bois pour l'approvisionnement en biomasse forestière : quels impacts sur la rentabilité de la filière bois et la régénération des sites?
Laurie Dupont-Leduc
Le climat interagit avec la diversité des espèces d'arbres pour influencer la productivité forestière
Toky Jeriniaina Rabearison
L'augmentation de la productivité du peuplier hybride ne se traduit pas par une augmentation linéaire du carbone organique du sol
16h30 Tim Rademacher
De l'importance des entailles et des arbres en acériculture
Guillemette Labadie
Effets des changements climatiques et de l'aménagement forestier sur les communautés d'oiseaux en forêts mixte et boréale du Québec
David Paré
La science du sol à l'ère du Big Data
16h50 Sanghyun Kim
Effects of Partial Harvest and Stand Structure on Conifer Regeneration in Black Spruce Stands: The MISA Project
Benjamin Marquis
Explorer comment différentes pratiques d'aménagements forestiers ont affecté la capacité d'adaptation des peuplements forestiers du nord-est du Canada.
Charlotte Blasi - ANNULÉE
Quel est la contribution des mousses aux entrées d'azote en forêt boréale de l'Est canadien ?

************************************************************************ ******************************* FINAL ********************************** ************************************************************************

17h15 Closing Remarks and Prizes
Daniel Kneeshaw, CEF director

Balcon Orford

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ***************** Horaire des Ateliers Bilingue ************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Workshop Program

NOTICE: Workshops will be held in building A3, A4 and A6 (whereas talks of the 28th and 29th are held in the Centre culturel - B3). Consult the interactive campus map  or the PDF version .

The workshop detailed is available in this page. You have to register for the three days of the conference to participate to the workshops. You can choose your workshops while registering online.

You must go to pavilion A3 to pick up your name badge before heading to your workshop room.

Breaks will take place at 10:00 in the morning and at 15:00 in the afternoon of a duration at the discretion of the animator. Lunch boxes will be served in room A3-125 from 12h00 PM.

Morning 8h00 until 12h00 Afternoon 12h45
Introduction à la cartographie avec QGIS
(1st part)
Introduction à la cartographie avec QGIS
(2nd part, until 16h30)
Data Analysis
Visualisation des données / Data visualization Introduction aux bases de données avec les placettes-échantillons-permanentes du MFFP
Until 15h50
Raster data
Utilisation des produits dérivés du LiDAR (MNT, MHC, hydrographie) NASA Earth Science for Forestry, Fire, and Climate Research and Applications in Northern Ecosystems
Until 16h30
EDI and citizen science
Comment faire avancer la science de concert avec les citoyens : un échange interdisciplinaire Atelier de discussion sur les principes d'équité, diversité, l'inclusion et l'accessibilité dans la recherche - ANNULÉ
Until 15h50
Artificial Intelligence
Apprentissage profond appliqué à l'observation de la Terre Vacant
Vacant Introduction à l’utilisation des drones en milieu forestier
Until 16h00

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************* Session d'affiche Bilingue ************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Poster Sessions

Both poster sessions will be held at the Centre culturel of the Université de Sherbrooke (map PDF ). The first session will take place on Wednesday the 28th from 11:00 AM. to 12:00 PM and the second Thursday from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM

The best poster contest is reserved for CEF student members and only these posters have a number that you will use to vote. Other affluents are indicated by the code NM/NE meaning Non-Member / Non-Étudiant. This is a public vote. You will find a ballot in your badge holder. The votes will be collected in a box identified for this purpose.

No. Name and title
01 Martín Alcalá Pajares
How do partial cuts influence the edge effect, the growth shock, and the after-harvest mortality? (PDF non disponible)
02 Houssam Amraoui
Réponses des semis d'arbres plantés en sous-bois forestier, sous différents niveaux de lumière à différentes conditions de stress hydriques, de broutement et de concurrence végétale (PDF )
03 Miray Andrianirinarimanana
Comment les traitements sylvicoles affectent les stocks de carbone aérien des pessières le long d'un gradient longitudinal ? (PDF )
04 Pierrick Arnault
L'influence de la prolifération du hêtre et de la sécheresse sur l'utilisation de l'eau par les arbres dans les érablières Québécoises (PDF )
05 Rémi Boisvert
Influences relatives d'un gradient climatique, de la structure forestière et des substrats sur les communautés de macrolichens de la côte nord du lac Supérieur (Ontario) (PDF )
06 Clémence Boivin
Foresterie multifonctionnelle : est-il possible de favoriser à la fois la biodiversité et la séquestration du carbone ? (PDF non disponible)
07 Sirine Boubeker
De l'ADN pour contrôler la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette ? (PDF non disponible)
08 Manon Carboni
Dynamique des communautés végétales du sous-bois de la forêt boréale mixte de l'ouest du Québec. (PDF non disponible)
09 Jonathan Cazabonne
Soil fungal communities in esker forests (PDF non disponible)
10 Nathan Chabaud
Habitat selection by fisher (Pekania pennanti) in Quebec deciduous forest (PDF non disponible)
11 Kloé Chagnon-Taillon
Combiner les arts et la science pour cartographier les territoires autochtones (PDF )
12 Gabriel Davidson-Roy
Exposition des cyclistes de Montréal aux pollens allergènes (PDF non disponible)
13 Mégane Déziel
Influence des traits fonctionnels de tolérance et de dispersion sur la vélocité de migration des arbres du nord-est de l'Amérique du Nord (PDF )
14 Ines Diamant
La diversité de structure et de composition des vieilles forêts boréales mixtes du Québec fournit-elle des habitats différents pour l'avifaune? (PDF )
15 Laurie Dupont-Leduc
La diversité des espèces d'arbres façonne la structure du couvert forestier boréal (PDF )
16 Cecilia Estable
Caractérisation de la voirie forestière et de ses effets sur les macroinvertébrés aquatiques en Outaouais (PDF )
17 Axelle Favro
Effets des traitements sylvicoles sur les flux de carbone des épinettes noires (Picea Mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) en réponse à la disponibilité en eau. (PDF )
18 Océane Fogliani
Microbiomes associés aux peuplements multi-clonaux de peuplier faux-tremble (PDF )
19 Jérémy Fraysse
Urbanisation and insects: urban forests as sites of refuge? (PDF non disponible)
20 Sylvain Gagnon
Prescribed burning as a restoration tool for white and red pines (PDF )
21 Hasanki Gamhewa
Consequences of climate change for the duration of the high light period for early spring flowering herbs in northern forests. (PDF non disponible)
22 Nejm Eddine Jmii
Évaluation des risques actuels d'effondrement des écosystèmes forestiers en forêt tempérée québécoise (PDF non disponible)
23 Pierre-Alexandre Labranche
La planification systématique de la conservation peut-elle faciliter la cohabitation du caribou forestier et de l'aménagement forestier? (PDF )
24 Janie Lavoie
Quels impacts ont les perturbations sur la dynamique des pinèdes? (PDF )
25 Samuel Le Vallée-Valdés
Dynamique hydrologique d'un lac urbain et des milieux humides environnants (PDF )
26 Henri Lecrosnier
Impacts de la température et du temps d'entreposage de l'insecticide microbien Bt sur son efficacité (PDF non disponible)
27 Rosemarie Léger
Cartographie des services écologiques et du potentiel de restauration des milieux naturels en paysage agricole québécois (PDF non disponible)
28 Dipak Mahatara
Impact of different thinning regimes on wood properties and carbon sequestration in white spruce (Picea glauca) plantations (PDF )
29 José Cristiano Freitas Vieira
Aquatic impact of an historical disturbance: the log drive (PDF )
30 Oloruntobi Gideon Olugbadieye
Esker Forest in Peril of Global Warming: Understanding its Response to Low Water Availability (PDF non disponible)
31 Rosaëlle Perreault
Plant-microbe interactions in the phyllosphere: facing challenges of the anthropocene (PDF )
32 Sarah Poirier
Les bioaérosols urbains selon des gradients socio-économique et de végétation (PDF )
33 Laura Pothier Guerra
Potentiel d'expansion de l'épinette blanche (Picea glauca) à sa limite altitudinale dans un contexte de changements climatiques (PDF )
34 Jérémi St-Pierre
La complexité de la végétation de la forêt urbaine montréalaise influence la communauté de la faune du sol (PDF )
35 Sarah Tardif
Urban tree pollen: a step forward in increasing capacity to predict identity and concentrations (PDF )
36 Caroline Thivierge
Déterminants et facteurs de résistance vis à vis l'adoption de l'ADN environnemental comme outil de collecte de données biologiques au Québec (PDF )
37 Narimene Braham
Caractérisation de la dynamique de végétation des structures linéaires à l'aide du système de balayage laser aéroporté (PDF non disponible)
38 Mônica Gabira
Les peupliers hybrides au Québec : potentiel de croissance en Abitibi-Témiscamingue et Nord-du-Québec (PDF non disponible)
NM/NE Sophie Boutin
Contrôle biologique d'Erwinia amylovora : le microbiote de la phyllosphère de Malus domestica sous la loupe (PDF )
NM/NE Philippe Cadieux
Caméra de suivi de nidification pour cavicole avec téléobjectif et détection de mouvement (PDF )
NM/NE Nelson Thiffault
Eastern white pine regeneration abundance, stocking and damages along a gradient of harvest intensity (PDF non disponible)

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************** Prix de présence Bilingue ************************* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Door Prizes

Prizes will be drawn from among the participants who are present at the conference. The draw will take place following the announcement of the winners for the best poster and best oral presentation on the last day of the conference.

  • One year subscription to the Nature Sauvage  magazine.
  • Two copies of the book "Tropical Agroforestry".

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ *************************** Partenaires ******************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Thanks to Our Partners!

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************* Activités Bilingue *************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Sports and Social Activities

All week

Wednesday Evening

  • Climbing à Vertige Escalade  wednesday night (time TBC). Bouldering or top rope in an ancient church! Bring your own equipment. Unlimited number of people but you must register . You pay on-site depending on what you do.
  • Circus class at l'École de cirque de Sherbrooke  wednesday from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM - Introduction to aerial circus with 2 or 3 coaches from l'école de circque de Sherbrooke (including our own Sabine Leblanc). No need to be strong or flexible! This session is exclusively reserved for CFR members. Dress code: shirt or tank top that can be tucked in your pants, sweatpants or leggings. Shorts aren't recommended. Bring a water bottle. Interac payment can be done to sabine.leblanc@usherbrooke.ca (answer 'cirque') with your email in the message. 13 people minimum - 24 people maximum. 20$/person. Payments will only be accepted when 13 participants will have enrolled (the minimum needed for the session to happen) and then transfered to the circus school.

Thursday Morning

  • Fun Run - Nice 3 km path aroung Lac des Nations lake that you can repeat as much as you want. Meet with André Thursday at 7:15 AM at Marché de la Gare, next to Grand Times Hotel. Free parking before 9AM. See plan . Unlimited number of people. Free.

Other Activities

  • Walking in Sherbrooke - We recommend the Promenade de la gorge de la rivière Magog , 1.7 km long for 30 minutes | Linear (one-way) | Level : Easy. It's even lit at night! Two entrances : Porte de la Gorge (Richmond street) & Porte des Fabriques (Frontenac street)

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ *********************** Transport Bilingue ***************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Transport and Carpooling

A transport and carpooling service will be coordinated by each of the CEF's poles. Depending on demand, some poles will rent minibuses to transport participants. Priority will be given to CEF members. If you want to take advantage of organized transportation or if you want to offer carpooling places in your own car, fill out this form .

The campus should be fairly busy during the Conference and parking spaces will be limited. We suggest that you use public transit to travel between your accommodation and the campus.

Nearly 180 passes for Société de transport de Sherbrooke  (STS) buses, provided by Destination Sherbrooke , will be distributed by volunteers in the entrance halls of the Grand Times Hotel and the Hotel Le President between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM Monday evening and Tuesday evening. The remaining passes will be available at the conference reception table starting Wednesday morning. These passes are valid for the entire duration of the Conference.

Public transport is a bit complicated from the Hotel Le Président. We invite all those who come by car and stay at this hotel to try to take as many passengers as possible with them to get to campus and even, if possible, to make a few round trips to accommodate participants who do not have other options than public transit.

If you absolutely must park on campus , we recommend that you arrive early. Additional parking lots, with a free shuttle service, have been set up by the Université de Sherbrooke on the outskirts of the Campus. These parking lots are located at the Mont-Sainte-Anne arena , chemin Ste-Catherine and at Lucien-Blanchard park  (prefered option), rue Cabana. Shuttles run from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM.

If you have questions, contact the person responsible for your pole:

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************** Hébergement et Restauration Bilingue ******************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Lodging & Restaurants

There are not many accommodations near the University of Sherbrooke. The CEF has reserved blocks of rooms at reduced rates in two hotels. Book early to take advantage!

The Grand Times Hotel  located between the city center and the University  (45 minute walk). 30 rooms reserved (several are already taken). You must use the code UDS260922 to obtain the negotiated price of $165.99 per room/night, single occupancy + taxes, breakfast included. Indoor pool and fitness center available. There is a $15 charge per additional person. Parking is $10/day + tax. Cancellation of the reservation is free of charge up to 7 days before the date of arrival. Reservations must be made by phone (1-888-999-3499) or by email (reservationsherbrooke@timeshotel.ca) by September 2 to obtain the discounted rate attached to the code (reserving on the website won't work for the code).

Hôtel Le Président  located close to the highways 3.8 km from the University  (48 minute walk). You must use the code CEF22 online or the folio 433393 to obtain the negotiated price of $149.95 per room/night + taxes. Free parking. Reservations can be canceled free of charge until 6 PM the day before arrival. For any late cancellation or no-show, the equivalent of the first night will be charged. Reservations must be made no later than September 17 to obtain the discounted rate attached to the code.

CFR students will have to pay the cost of accommodation themselves (in groups of 2, 3 or 4) or agree with their supervisor.

More accommodation options with a selection of restaurants are available in this document  prepared by Richard Fournier.

Pour les réservation d'hôtel vous pouvez également utiliser les sites comme Booking.com , Hotels.com , Tripadviser.ca , Expedia.ca , Priceline.com , Trivago.ca , Airbnb  ou Hotwire.com  si vous êtes économes, aventuriers et avez une voiture!

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ********************* Code de conduite Bilingue ************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Code of Conduct

The organizing committee of the Centre for Forest Research Annual Conference is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for its participants, speakers, partners, staff and volunteers to ensure an enjoyable experience for all during the event.

As we discuss science from our different perspectives, cultures and knowledge bases, we want to foster an open and inclusive environment for all participants. Our goal is to create an environment where everyone feels welcome to participate, speak up, ask questions and engage in conversation. We expect members to be intentional and thoughtful in their interactions to ensure that the event reflects a culturally safe environment for all.

We will not tolerate harassment of any kind at this conference. Inappropriate behavior or speech will not be accepted in any part of the conference, including lectures, workshops, roundtables, and social events. Those who violate these rules will be expelled from the conference without refund, at the discretion of the conference organizing committee.

If you have any questions or have witnessed any inappropriate behavior, please inform the EDI committee (Juanita Rodriguez or Marta Alonso-Garcia). All information submitted will be treated with discretion.

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ********************** Consignes COVID Bilingue ************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

COVID-19 Guidelines

One of the most effective ways to protect yourself and reduce the transmission of COVID-19 in public events is to wear a mask (especially when the 2m distancing cannot be respected). In order to better protect all persons participating in the annual CEF colloquium, face coverings (masks) will be required on the colloquium premises (cultural center, classrooms, etc.) except for brief moments during meals and breaks. Please note that wearing a mask will not be required for presenters when they give their talk at the lectern. If you do not have a mask, there will be some available on site. Please wear a mask at all times for the safety of others.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 , please refrain from participating in the conference.

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ *************************** Wifi Bilingue ****************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Wifi Access

Eduroam network - Normally, all students who have already connected to their own university's Eduroam wireless network should be able to connect to the University of Sherbrooke's Eduroam network without additional configuration. If this is not your case, we advise you to configure your mobile BEFORE coming to the conference. Setup instructions are virtually identical from university to university, but here are the instructions provided by each university: UQAM , Université Laval , Université de Sherbrooke , Université de Montréal , McGill , Concordia , UQAT , UQAR , UQO , UQTR , TELUQ .

ZAP Network - For people who do not have access to Eduroam, the University of Sherbrooke offers the ZAP network . Simply select this network from the list of wireless networks available from your laptop or mobile device and you will be taken to a login page as soon as you attempt to access the web.

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ********** Appel Presentation Orales et Affiches Bilingue ************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Call for Posters and Presentations

The Call for Poster and Presentation is over since August 1st!

All CFR members are invited to present the results of their research as an oral presentation or poster. Only abstracts presenting results will be accepted for oral presentations. Submissions of CFR student and post-doctoral research projects that are well underway will be given priority by the selection committee. The deadline for submitting a proposal is August 1, 2022.

This year, the CEF encourages members to present on topics that are somewhat outside the CEF's traditional lines of research: health, society, arts, geomatics and remote sensing. Always obviously in connection with the forest. Classic CEF themes are of course also welcome, whether in French or in English.

Abstracts should be limited to between 250 and 300 words in the language in which the presentation will be done (English or French). Abstracts not respecting these conditions will be refused. Abstracts won't be modifiable after the submission deadline.

Specific instructions for oral presentations - Oral presentations should be 15 minutes in length, followed by 5 minutes of questions. Slides should be in PDF or Microsoft PowerPoint format. Office 2010 will be installed on the computers. You can use previous versions of Office if you do not have version 2010. If you have video or other animation, make sure that the presentation is compatible with Windows PC. Also, because we cannot guarantee access to the Internet, it is important that you save a copy of your presentation on a USB key. Therefore online presentations system should not be used (Prezi and others).

Finally, to ensure that the sessions run smoothly, NO internet connections will be permitted during the presentation. Mac users should ensure that they have a version of Office that is compatible with Windows PC.

Specific instructions for posters - Posters should be either:

  • in LANDSCAPE format with maximum dimensions of 48 inches wide by 36 inches high (122 cm par 91.5 cm) or
  • in PORTRAIT format with maximum dimensions of 24 inches wide by 36 inches high (61 cm par 91.5 cm).

Read the following article  in Nature to improve the quality of your poster.

Please write to Stéphane Daigle if you have questions about posters and presentations.

Only students who are members of CEF at master's or doctoral level are eligible to the competition. A jury will determine the best oral presentations, while the best posters will be selected by a public vote. To vote, conference participants will need to complete a ballot form that will be available in their name badge.

Best oral presentation

  • A first prize of $ 1000 given by the CEF to the best presentation

Vanessa Di Maurizio pour sa présentation intitulée : L’effet de la diversité sur la croissance individuelle des arbres: comment les espèces réagissent-elles à la diversité de leur voisinage? 

  • A second prize of $ 500 given by the CEF to the second best presentation

Chloé Morineau pour sa présentation intitulée : Le réchauffement climatique comme bouc émissaire : quantifier l'importance du climat dans la rétraction vers le nord de l'aire de distribution du caribou forestier au Québec depuis 1850 

  • A third prize of $ 250 given by the CEF to the third best presentation

Andréanne Girard-Lemieux pour sa présentation intitulée : La gouvernance partagée pour la gestion des aires protégées: une avenue possible pour améliorer les pratiques de gestion? 

Best poster

  • A first prize of $ 500 given by the CEF to the best poster

Kloé Chagnon-Taillon pour son affiche intitulée : Combiner les arts et la science pour cartographier les territoires autochtones 

  • A second prize of $ 250 given by the CEF to the second best poster

Laurie Dupont-Leduc pour son affiche intitulée : La diversité des espèces d'arbres façonne la structure du couvert forestier boréal 

  • A third prize of $ 100 given by the CEF to the third best poster

Sarah Tardif pour son affiche intitulée : Urban tree pollen: a step forward in increasing capacity to predict identity and concentrations 

L’Association forestière du sud du Québec (AFSQ ) will offer the book « Insectes des arbres du Québec  » and a one year subscription to the « Le progrès forestier  » with the possibility to write an article in the magazine.

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ****************** Appel Ateliers Francais ***************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

Call for Training Workshops

The Call for Training Workshop is over since August 1st!

There will be an extra day of training workshops this year (Tuesday, September 27).

We therefore solicit your contribution. Whether you are a regular researcher, associate researcher, professional, postdoctoral fellow, master's or doctoral student or even non-member of the CFR , you can offer a one-day or half-day training workshop. The deadline for submitting a training workshop is August 1, 2022

R packages, programming, specialized software, theory in ecology, field techniques, etc. Practical and theoretical training will be accepted. Anything that can be taught in 4 or 8 hours and that is of interest to CFR members will be considered. In case the number of proposals exceeds the number of available rooms, a committee will select the most interesting/popular ones. We will try to accommodate as many workshops as possible. For computer-type workshops, we should have a couple of computer labs available. We will reserve those for workshops involving licensed software. For workshops involving open source software, we prefer participants to bring their own laptop with the software already installed. This makes holding a computer type workshop possible in conventional classrooms.

The persons in charge of the selected workshops will not have to pay the registration fees for the Symposium. A maximum of two persons per workshop will be able to take advantage of this offer.

Please write to Pierre Racine if you have questions about the workshops.

********************************************************** *************************** FRQNT ************************ **********************************************************

Le CEF est un
regroupement stratégique du

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********************************************************** ******************** Colloque du CEF ********************* **********************************************************

********************************************************** ************** Formations et Écoles d'été **************** **********************************************************

Formations et Écoles

Analyse de pistes pour écologistes 
Cours intensif ECL805 enseigné par Bill Shipley.
2 - 7 juin 2024
Université de Sherbrooke
Summer School in Evolutionary Ecology and Biology 2024 
Pedagogical coordinator is Adam Ali.
24 juin - 3 juillet 2024
Campus Triolet, Montpellier, France

********************************************************** ********** Colloque Développement durable UQAC *********** **********************************************************

********************************************************** **************** Balcony Garden Project ****************** **********************************************************

********************************************************** ********* Mémoire CEF Changements Climatiques ************ **********************************************************

********************************************************** ***************** Pub - Symphonies_Boreales ****************** **********************************************************